Dinner By The Sea

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It was going on 5 pm when the duo finally pulled back home and into the apartment block; opening the door, Winter got tackled into a hug by the others "braahh," the pile made him fall to the ground. "I didn't realize you all missed me that much?" They all nodded "not that I don't like this, but I don't think I can feel my back or my anything, plus we need to get changed if we want to go out later." Winter was soon pulled up, and before he could go, Webs webbed his hand and dragged him to her room.

She placed a laptop in his lap and ran a small hacking program. "You've got 10 minutes to beat this program; good luck" kissing him on the cheek, Winter went to work as Webs played on her phone; after six minutes, a ding was heard; looking over, she saw Winter was done "wow that was good" Webs commented on his speedy work "thanks not bad for a first try huh?" Webs smirked, looking at her boyfriend "no, that was good real good give it a few weeks, and you shall be a natural at it" he had to hide a blush on his face.

A knock came on the door "stop romancing in there, you two, and get dressed!" Wolf yelled, laughing as he walked away. "Welp, he is right; we should get dressed" Winter got up and got ready to leave, that was until his hand got webbed. "I can't tell if this is a sign of love or a kink," he stated flatly "maybe both~" turning around, she was there smiling at him, "thank you," walking over, he gave her a kiss. He left to get changed; walking into his room, he almost backed out seeing Wolf naked "woha didn't expect to see that," trying to cover his eyes, Wolf came over and moved his hands "nothing wrong with seeing your boyfriend naked."

Winter's blush only grew more "I get the feeling you all like to see my blush," he ran a hand across the human's cheek "you do look cuter with a blush~" with a sigh, Winter started to get changed in the corner looking away from Wolf who was looking at him mostly his back enjoyed himself "I know you are checking me out Wolf" "is that a bad thing am I being a bad guy~?" Feeling confident, Winter tossed his underwear as it landed on Wolf's nose "you tell me, Mr big bad Wolf~."

Winter could feel Wolf's warm breath on his neck and his soft fur paw on his shaft "you know you used to do this to me back in my universe. I always liked it made me feel safe," Wolf whispered in Winter's ear "do you feel safe?" Wolf wrapped his arms across the human chest. "I do, but I also feel like we are in a porno." He could hear the animal behind him laughing, turning around. Winter planted a kiss on Wolf's lips; as the big bad Wolf kissed back, the duo would have carried this on if not for going out for dinner.

Both got dressed, and seeing the others were dressed up fancy and heading for the cars, Winter went to open his door until he felt Shark's hand on his "you are riding in style in Wolf's car," he smirked, "fair enough." Heading for the back, Snake pulled you in the front with him as Wolf drove off "do you even know where you are going?" The Human asked to which Wolf smiled, "do you really not trust me that much?" with no response, Wolf knew he had won.

As the group drove, one of Winter's favorite songs came on, that being 'Sing for the Moment' he started to hum it quietly at first and quietly sing it, that was until Piranha heard him. "Sing a bit louder, Winter, we want to hear your voice~" "I-" "come on, please," Diane did puppy eyes, "but I'm not really that" "Winter, we all love you so come-" "SING WITH ME, SING FOR THE YEAR, SING FOR THE LAUGHTER, SING FOR THE FEAR!" The whole car cheered as Winter hid his face blushing like make that was until Wolf pulled him close and kissed him "you were great now; how about some more?"

It was like this until they finally got to where they were going. "Port Solent? Why here?" Snake asked as he had coiled himself around his boyfriend "oh, this place is beautiful Snakey~, especially at night; now come on, I know a great place to eat." Wolf took one hand while Diane to his other hand; soon, they came to a restaurant on the second floor of the peat overlooking the sea with a heated lamp above them. As the group chatted, Winter looked at them he gave a smile. Before looking out to the sea, a few tears ran down his face.

He then felt a hand on his shoulder; it was Pirannah "why are you crying?" He asked as he wiped Winter's eyes. "I'm not well. I guess I just realized how lucky I am." Turning to the others, he didn't make eye contact, instead looking down at the table. "Just last week, I was stuck in a monotonous routine, then you guys came in and have changed my life forever, and I don't know if I deserve this. How, why did I get so lucky? I know you said it's because you love me and all but am I worthy of this of having you all here for me?" Tears we hitting the table, and it was clear to the group that Winter felt inadequate like he didn't deserve what he had.

They pulled him into a group hug which just made him cry more. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cry; it's just." Snake wiped his eyes as Diane spoke, "It's fine, Winter. Never feel you are inadequate or that you are worthy of being loved." After a lovely meal, the human of the group got ready to pull out his wallet until Wolf stopped him "nope, you ain't paying tonight, I insist" "you sure?" "Definitely" after paying, Winter pulled out his phone as he flagged down a waiter "mind taking a pic for us?"

With the sea and moon behind them, Winter was put into the middle as Diane and Wolf were to his side, each making the side of a heart while Shark lay his head on his stomach Pirannah and Webs were on his shoulders, and Snake was behind him making a heart around his with his tail. "Everyone say robbery," Wolf joked as everyone smiled, with Winter's biggest grin on his face and holding up two peace signs. He looked over the photo and smiled "what a fantastic photo. I need to get this developed asap, but right now, I think we should yawn head back home."

As the group started to leave, Winter said he would meet them at the entrance to the pier. Looking out, he felt the cool breeze on his face and breathed in the salty air. He felt an arm around him. It was Diane. She smiled and looked at him "ready to go?" "Sure, let's go," walking back to the car, Winter got into the back. He could barely keep his eyes open, sitting down in the middle; he soon leaned on Shark and was out like a light. Wolf pulled out a polaroid camera and snapped the scene before him.

"That's going on the fridge when we get home."

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