Trust Issues

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"You can't trust him!" "Why not? He seems like a nice guy to me" "he's manipulating you, and once he's got what he wants, he will betray you!" "If that's true, why didn't you tell me about what happened to your universe's Marmalade then? Or how bad he is in general?" Diane sighed "because we wanted to keep you safe." "Oh, like how you and Wolf said I wouldn't be good enough in your universe?" Winter was getting mad now. "Look, it was Wolf's idea to leave you here, and we all agreed!" Diane covered her mouth in shock when she said this. "So even after all the training, I was never good enough they why come?!"

"Winter, I" grabbing the crystal, Phone, and car keys, he stormed out of his room as the group moved out of the way, storming for the door. Snake grabbed his wrist. "Winter, wait," pulling away, he didn't even make eye contact with them, "if I was never good enough, why drag it on for so long? Making me believe I had potential when the plan was to up and leave me here alone one day; if that was the plan, then why bother coming in the first place?" "Because we lo" "DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME. I WAS JUST A PLAYTHING TO YOU LOT! I thought I cou-ld trust you but just...stabbed me in the back" Winter had turned around to yell at them, tears in his eyes and his voice breaking as he left, slamming the door behind him hard.

Driving off in the pouring rain Winter turned his phone off along disabling the GPS; he didn't want them following him; he drove off towards a certain place; it was going on 5 am when he got there

Seeing a buzzer at the front get, he pressed it soaking wet; the face of Cuddles came on the screen; seeing the young human he had just met yesterday soaking wet and with a defeated look to, he pressed a button the gate open, getting back into the...

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Seeing a buzzer at the front get, he pressed it soaking wet; the face of Cuddles came on the screen; seeing the young human he had just met yesterday soaking wet and with a defeated look to, he pressed a button the gate open, getting back into the car he drove in and parked resting his head on the steering wheel and punching the glovebox he sighed getting out the front door was open running in Cuddles smiled handing a towel to Winter "thank you Cuddles" "well I didn't expect this" looking up a staircase was Marmalade "I'm really sorry for coming so early I've spent most of the night driving here, and after getting into a fight with my roommates I stormed off."

Marmalade just gave him a warm smile "you poor thing; you must be exhausted; please come with me." Following the rodent Winter was lead to a bedroom with a bathroom connected and a lovely view of the sea. "I wow, this is amazing; how could I ever thank you?" "Oh, pish, pish, you don't need to thank me, Winter; as my guest, I aim to keep you happy; now go and have a shower. Cuddle will bring you some fresh clothes." After a nice long hot shower, there was a shirt and jacket combo with jeans; putting them on, Marmalade met him again "you look much better now; then how about some breakfast and tell me what happened."

After telling him everything that went down but not saying any names, the guinea pig felt bad for the human sitting opposite him. "I'll need to head back there to grab something, sorry. I'm being so rude. Do you mind if I stay here?" "Of course, it's fine." With a smile, Winter drove back; he saw their car was gone; heading to the apartment and opening the door he saw a trip wire; stepping over it, there was a note on the counter 'Dear Winter we didn't mean what we said. We love you and always will; we never stabbed you in the back, even if it felt like we had. Do. Not. Trust. Marmalade. Please come home, Winter, we need you, and you need us. You've come leaps and bounds since we met you. You're almost as good as us. I hope you can forgive us. Love Wolf, Diane, Snake, Webs, Shark & Piranha.'

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