Chapter 1: The Start of a Weakling.

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200 Years ago at the same time of the dawn of Quirks, a alien species come on Earth and tried to conquer it to replace their lost planet, The planet Vegeta, as time passed Humans and Saiyans reach peace. The said Peace could only be reach because of a few Sayians and Humans falling in love with each others. But as time passed people forget a lot of things about the Super Saiyan form, like they were erased from public knowledge, only keep as history but one knows how to achieve forms such as Super Saiyan grade 4, Super Saiyan 2 and the legendary Super Saiyan 3. Now Super Saiyan grade 1 is the basic tha almost everyone has, genius can go higher with the Super Saiyan grade 2 and finally prodigy can access the Super Saiyan grade 3 like All Might.

Inko Yagi, wife of Toshinori Yagi AKA The number 1 Hero All Might, finally give birth to twin, a girl and a boy. Inko called them Izuku and Izumi. Both twin were Saiyans/Humans hybride. Toshinori and Inko were happy having two cute babies, life was good. Izuku start to dream being a hero like All Might. Izumi also start dreaming to be a hero, but she was clingy toward her brother.

Until both reach 4 years old. Finally they could know what theirs power level is. Inko bring them to the doctor for a health check at the same time. At the end both were healthy but the doctor noticed something.

Izumi. She's stronger than average. To avoid doubts the doctor himself check her and Izuku power level, and surprise was an understatement, he goes toward Inko, who was patiently waiting.

Doctor: Miss Yagi. I'm happy to say that both are very healthy child but I have a good and a bad news. (you all know where this is going)

Inko: Umm the bad one first please.

Doctor: I check the power level of the twin and Izuku's power level is... 5.

Izuku: Oh boy, that's bad.

Inko: Yes Izuku, It's really low, but It's fine you can progress. (average for 4 years old is 900 pl)

Izuku: Yeah ! I'm going to be like All Might !

Doctor: *cough* Next is Izumi and surprise is an understatement. Her power level is 15 000, your daughter is off the shart.

Izumi/Izuku: Waow !

Izumi: I can be like All Might ! And I can protect Izuku from bad guys !

Izuku: I don't want to be protected tho...

Inko: That's incredible ! How is that even possible ?

Doctor: Her amount of S-Cells in her body is thrice more than a average saiyan, that also mean that you need to be careful since I don't know what would happen If she transform into a super saiyan.

Inko: I see, thank you Doctor.

Inko take Izuku and izumi and drive home, where they were greeted by Toshinori.

Toshinori: Hi. How did it go ? *hug inko*

Inko: Both are healthy but...

Toshinori gain a look of worry thinking that somthing is wrong with his children.

Toshinori: But ?

Inko: The power of Izuku and Izumi have a big gap between each other. Izuku have only 5, while Izumi have a power level of 15 000.

Toshinori look at Izuku with disappointement but change fast when he hear Izumi power level. He take her in his arms happy.

Toshinori: My little girl is going to be great hero in the futur.

Izumi: Yeah !

Izuku look sad that his dad ignore him as he understand that his life could turn for the worse later. As time passed his friends the bakugo twins who, Katsuki a saiyan/human hybride and his sister Hanabi who has a quirk called explosion, and the todoroki twins Shoto and Yuki who both have the same quirk, half-hot half-cold started to bully him for his lack of power, mainly Katsuki and Shoto, while Hanabi and Yuki soon stopped thinking it was a bad idea and spend more time with Izumi anyway.

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