Chapter 8: Getting Stronger

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4 months has passed since the destruction of New Namek. During those months, everyone steadily became stronger. Izuku rise his power level to a new level and mastered the Super Saiyan to his maximum, Izumi gain complete control of her Ikari grade 2 under the mentorship of Katas and Izuku, Hanabi, Yuki and Ochaco become better at handling theirs KI correctly. On other hands Katsuki also gain perfect control of his Super Saiyan by watching and analysing Izuku, Shoto thought of the same process with his full cowling adn keep it activate at all time a low percentage to get use to it.

The first month, Katas and Pico lived with the Midoriya's for a time until Izuku and Katas found the lookout in high in the sky. Katas and Pico decide to live there, while the young Namekian try to find a way to make new dragon balls, with the help of Mr.Popo. The older Namekian still spar with Izuku since his power was higher than Izuku's in his base form, at the same time he trained Izumi to get a better control of his Ikari forms as a thank you for letting them stay at theirs house. At UA they had to fight theirs teacher, with almost everyone passing. Izuku was paired with Izumi against All Might but they use theirs human brain cells adn just run toward the exit before All Might caught them. Izuku was really sad about it.

The second month, they've all gone to a training camp in the mountains where the Wild Wild Pussycats were, after a harsh week of training the camp was interrupted by the LOV sending somes of theris villains to cause some Mayhem and Kidnap Katsuki Bakugo. Izuku fight Muscular and won. However Katsuki kidnaped, which follow the huge battle on Kamino ward, leaving All Might powerless. Katsuki was bring to safety. Learning that his father lost his powers Izuku was furious and sad as he couldn't fight him on one on one, like he promised before. He fly to the look out and stayed a few days to calm down.

The third month, everyone spend it on training as much as they could since All Might lost his overwhelming power. Katsuki disappeared as his pride was shattered and chose to train somewhere else alone. Pico finally found all the materials that he needed to recreate Shenron, with the help of Mr.Popo they made new dragon balls. The first wish was to remake New Namek before the destruction, second wish was that all Namekian were resurrected on Namek. The third wish was unused.

The fourth month was more or less the same, but the exam for the Hero License was getting close. In the meantime Izumi finally gain control of her Ikari Grade 2, gaining a good balance between her mind and body. Izuku started to think of a way to reach a new level of Super Saiyan, but couldn't find anything yet.

Now the 1A students were working on theirs super moves. Izuku was helping Kaminari with one of the blonde idea. While the others were doing theirs own things.

Izuku: So you're telling me, you have an idea of incredible ? Last time you said that you fried you're brain and clothes, leaving you butt naked.

Denki: Yeah, I know ! It was a miscalculation okay ?!

Izuku: Is it ?

Denki:.............Anyways !

Izuku: Alright let's get to it.

Denki: Look I actually already practiced a bit before.

Denki's KI flare up, as lighting bolts dance on his body. Izuku look intently at it with his two hands on his hips.

Izuku:.... Stop !

Denki: What ? Why ?!

Izuku: You're were about to fail. A piece of advice, try to make your Ki and lighting flow at the same time in your body.

Denki: Same time huh....

Following this advice, Denki close his eyes and focus like never before. He tried to make his Ki and lighting move at the same time in his body and keeping his focus. What he didn't notice was Izuku's smile as he saw the visible change on his friend body. Denki's hair start to spike up and take a lemon color.

Izuku: Open your eyes.

Denki: Huh ? 

Denki open his eyes and look around his body noticing the changes. A smile appear on his face as he could see that he finally achieved what he wanted so much. Having his lightining under control. 

Denki: Hmm... I'll call this form Raijin.

Izuku: Alright ! Let's spare !

Denki: What ?! Dude I can barely use it ! At least let me getting used to it.

Izuku: Oh... Alright.....

Izuku walk in a corner and start sulking. Denki sweat drop seeing Izuku sulking just for that, having no idea of what to do he goes to Izumi and her friends, who were training and working on some new moves.

Denki: Hey girls ! I need your help.

Hanabi: What do you want ?

Denki: Well... Izuku is sulking in a corner. So maybe you could cheer him up ?

Yuki: What did you do ?

Denki: Hey It's not my fault ! I just refuse to spare with him. I still need to work on my new form.

Ochaco: Oh congrats ! Hope you can master it well.

Denki: Thanks ! and please don't touch me, I'm a human-taser right now. I don't want to hurt you.

Izumi: Thanks for the warning.

The four girl goes to Izuku, patting his shoulder and trying to cheer him up. Jiro goes to Kaminari with a small smile on her face.

Jiro: Wow I didn't think you would pull it off.

Denki: Yeah, Izuku gave me an advice, and as you can see it worked.

Jiro: What can you do like that ?

Denki: I'm a human taser and... I was about to find out the others capabilties.

After that Denki trained with his new form for the rest of the hour, while Jiro was looking at him with a warm smile. Oh and Izuku cheered up at the end because of the girls beside him.


Somewhere else, a man with a saiyan armor and a red cape, spiky hair and a beard was walking next to a smaller woman with a pixie-cut and a white coat holding a tablet in her hand. Both were speedwalking to enter a laboratory. The saiyan woman started to talk.

Lab woman: My king, we found the corpse of the old saiyan Broly. Since then we study his cells and remains to make a clone but something is missing.

King Vegeta VII: What do the clone is lacking ?

Lab woman: Energy. Not just the regular type of KI but one who is close to him. We need the energy of a saiyan of Type-B.

King Vegeta VII: Do we even have one in this day and age ? It's extremely rare to begin with, now It would be a miracle.

Lab woman: We have this miracle.

King Vegeta VII stop walking and look at her suspisciously. He wasn't sure If she what she was saying was true or going to be a complete bust. But what choice do they have anyway. Truthfully Earth is going to be doomed with what is come in a few years. He can't waste more time. Bringing Broly back is theirs only chance at survival.

King Vegeta VII: Where is that sayian ?

Lab woman: Currently in Japan. Izumi yagi, 16 years old. She's living with her mother and brother in an appartement complex in musutafu. She's a hero-in-training at UA high.

King Vegeta VII: Mhm, what do you have about his family ?

Lab woman: Let me see... Her father is or was All Might. Her mother is nothing particular, just a regular mother, nothing much. Her brother was born extremely weak... He disappeared for 6 years until he reappeared at the end of the Sport Festival.

King Vegeta VII: Put the brother under surveillance. Something seems wrong with him. Now get me that Type-B as fast as you can.

Lab woman: Yes sir !


I know It's been a while since the last chapter. My bad but I didn't had good ideas, but now I have something. 

Others series are coming soon hope you're gonna like it.

Anyway bye !

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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