Chapter 2: The return of the Weakling

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The Sport Festival. A festival destinated to show UA future heroes and now It's Izumi's turn and her friends to show what they can do today.

Izumi just finished the 1st trial and now was teaming up with Hanabi, Yuki and their new friend Uraraka Ochako.

Ochako: Alright what do we do ?

Izumi: Hmm make our clothes lighter first, Yuki when somes approach to much push them with your ice and Hanabi... Just don't kill someone.

Ochako: Alright !

Yuki: Seems like a plan.

Hanabi: We'll see *grin*

Yuki: We also need to be careful of our brothers.

Hanabi: Good point. Be careful I saw Katsuki training with his Super Saiyan before the festival.

Izumi: *sigh* Katsuki and Shoto are way too dangerous... If only Izuku was here he would find something to counter those two idiots.

Ochako notice the sad sigh of Izumi and the drop in mood of Yuki and Hanabi, she didn't press further but the few times they talk about him, they talk about like he was some hero, which got her curious more and more about that Izuku.

The 2nd trial start and after a few minutes into it 3 teams were already out, 10 minutes later only 4 team remained. Most were eliminated by Katsuki's or Shoto's team, while Izumi's team manage to keep the others team at distance but it was hard to do since Izumi had the 1 million points headband. Katsuki tried to attack a few times Izumi's team but Izumi over power him. Shoto just looked as he knew he wasn't at her level yet. A loud ring make itself known as the 2nd trial was finally over. 

Midnight tell to the spectators and the participants it was lunch time and that everyone could take a break.

As they walked to the cafeteria Ochako take her courage and ask about Izumi's brother.

Ochako: Hey Izumi  can I ask you something ?

Izumi: Yes what do you want to know ?

Ochako: Well you talked a few time of your brother and when you talk about him, It's like he is a hero to you, so you got me curious how he really is ?

Izumi, Hanabi and Yuki looked at each others for a moment and Hanabi was going to talk but stop as they hear Izumi's stomach growl.

Yuki: Let's get some food and we tell you while we eat okay ?

Ochako nod and go to the cafeteria, get theirs food and find somes seats.

Hanabi: So what do you want to know ?

Ochako: Well I didn't think of it, I just want to know who he is in general.

Izumi: Well Izuku to me was my hero, he never give up on his dream to be hero even when no one believed in him or when he was bullied. Always kind to people, never arrogant, he always want to save people.

Ochako: Wait wait bullied ? Why because of what you tell me he seems to be someone good.

Izumi: Izuku is born weak. His power level when we were 4 years old was 5.

Ochako: Wow that's really low...

Izumi: Yeah but even like that he didn't give up and train harder than others.

Hanabi: But the bullying start fast, followed by the nicknames like Deku, trash or the most used the weakest.

Ochako skin became paler as she listen what her friends says.

Ochako: That's awful-

Yuki: And It's not the worst yet.

Yuki: His father see him as a disppointement and ignore him and never helped with the bullying.

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