The Winternights Festival

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A/N: Years have passed them by and their budding affection has started to grow into something more, many notice as the Winternights Festival arrivals. Inanna(Istaroth) the young Sumerian gypsy and Dainlief never seen far apart. many don't like the Knight Captian's affections for the foreigner from Sumeru. However the night on the last day of the Winternights Festival Dainslief, works up the courage to approach her with his friends' support. I also love the pic I picked out to be Dain's livingroom of his manor. 


It had been a year since word had spread about Dainslief had been courting a wandering gypsy from outside of Khaenri'ah borders. At first this had caused quite the ruckus and lots of rumors spread about them. Especially when word got out she had an anemo vision at her disposal. The nobles of marrying age were in disdain and would very often try to give poor Inanna a hard time. However much to their horror they discovered Inanna was not to be trifled with. She was a skilled songstress, dancer, archer, and skilled fortune teller. The wealth of knowledge and abilities she had as a seer made her realize a rare and coveted jewel in a sea of coal.

Inanna's performance was something that enchanted even the royal family themselves. The king and queen praising Dainslief for finding such a rare and strong young woman. She danced rather exotically but knew all the dances of the eight nations. It was most amusing and it only made Dainslief adore her more as time passed them by. Somehow they were not aware of Inanna's real and ancient identity as the Goddess of Time. Now though the Year of the Lunar Rabbit was coming to a slow conclusion.

 Khaenri'ah was blanketed in a sea of silvery white snow that was falling that Winternights' Eve on December 24th. Countless laughter and smiling faces as the citizens, both common, military, and of noble standings happily celebrated the Winternights Festival. A sea of beautiful decorations, ice sculptures, and crackling bonfires and torches casting a warm glow in the evening air. The twinkling of candle lamps in the truly massive tree in the town square as a massive star of crystal was placed on top. People cheered as the sound of Khaenrian drums and other instruments filled the city with glee.

But there was one manor that was filled with very high spirits just at the edge of town. The rustic style manor was beautifully decorated. Ice sculptures crafted with care showed lions, doves, snakes, and countless deer. Garlands of pine with blue and gold ribbons covering the doors and windows and even inside it was just as beautifully decorated. Laughter and smiles were all around. 

Inanna had woven mistletoe into her hair and was wearing the prettiest Snezhnayan style dress he'd ever seen with a mink shawl. Complete with the little Khaenrian star broach he had gotten for her birthday this year. Earrings on her ears glowing with anemo energy with dove feathers dangling from them. She was happily smiling as she was decorating the tree with Alice that Dainslief and Halfdan had brought in.

Halfdan himself was out of uniform and had more casual Khaenrian winter clothes on. It was not fancy by any means, just a simple dark blue winter tunic with white undershirt. Leather moccasin slippers covering his feet as he sat on the couch by the fire with some Khaenrian ale in hand. The knights of higher rank rarely worked on the eve of the Winternights Festival. The grunt work was left to those much lower in rank during this time of year. Halfdan's face was already starting to get a bit flushed from all the ale he had drank tonight. 

Halfdan himself had on his own casual winter clothes Inanna had gifted him from Monstandt. The simple white button shirt with the custom Khaenrian style stitching was surprisingly comfortable and a thoughtful gift. Alongside that gift had been a mask to cover the scars over the left side of his face, which for now he was choosing to not wear as this was his home. Dainslief sat there in the chair closest to the fire as Alice said a few words and took a seat beside Halfdan.

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