Really Really (Matt)

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Throughout my wrestling career, I was very fortunate and was a part of one of the best factions that the wrestling industry had ever seen, and that was the Bullet Club.

I became best friends with Kenny, Nick, Matt, all of us going to AEW together and like always, we had our fun, had each other's backs and killed the business.  AEW was new and still fresh, keeping me very occupied but our old shenanigans like the vlog always stayed with us and unfortunately, one thing stuck too that I didn't like.

"Hey, Matt went to get our Chili's, right?" I asked, briefly looking up from my phone.

We were all hanging out backstage before the show and Matt went off to get us food, my hunger making me very impatient.

"Jesus, Y/N!" Kenny groaned, turning around in his chair to face me, "You act like he's been gone for years or something!"

"You know how she is when it comes to Matt, Kenny," Brandon sighed, trying not to laugh as Kenny began to be dramatic like usual, looking up to the ceiling, putting his hands on his heart and basically mocking me:

"Oh sweet, Matt. Never will he know how much you drool over him when he's not around!"

Everyone in the Bullet Club knew that I had a serious crush on Matt, except for Matt himself of course. I just couldn't beat the nervousness and anxiety whenever I tried to tell Matt how I felt. There were a few times where I tried to do it, but I couldn't. Because of that, Kenny and all of the guys, even Nick, teased me like hell for it.

"Matt and I are known for superkick parties," Nick chuckled, looking to me, "But that's not the kind of party you're looking to throw with Matt."

"Oh now," Adam butted in, "She wants to take that buck for a wild ride!"

Every single one of the guys were laughing hysterically, but I was not laughing. I was growing very irritated, my face heating up from anger. 

"Now you know that I like Matt for who he is as a person!" I argued, but they didn't care at all.

"Oh, come on!" Kenny groaned, "Do you ever see the way you look at him?"

"You literally look like a heart face emoji," Adam chuckled, sipping his beer.

I just remained silent, truly ready to body slam one of them, Kenny adding onto that anger as he got up, sitting next to Nick, putting his leg over Nick's lap, mocking me yet again, "Oh, Matt baby! You're the buck that I want to ride!"

They all started laughing even more as Kenny got on his lap, Nick even giving in and pretending to let Kenny ride him. 

"You guys are fucking ridiculous!" I groaned, "I can't help it that I like Matt."

"Then pull a move for fucks sake," Kenny groaned, nearly falling.

"But I'm scared!" I whined, telling him the truth.

"Oh, stop being such a punk! You've like Matt for how long now? Just tell him!" Kenny insisted.

"For fucks sake," I whispered, covering my face.

"As a matter of fact, we'll help!" Kenny gasped, then teasing, "Y/N has a crush on Matt! Y/N has a crush on Matt!"

All of the guys joined a long, yelling that over and over, which began to trigger me.

"Kenny, shut the hell up!" I stressed, but he smiled at me, shaking his head no.

"I'm not stopping till Matt comes back!" Kenny explained, continuing, "Y/N has a crush on Matt!!!!"

I felt like I could turn into a raging bull, ready to kill Kenny as I stood up straight, that stupid smile still on Kenny's face as they all continued to tease me, but then I completely froze.

They quickly noticed how I froze, all of them stopping what they were doing to turn and see Matt in the door way with our food. Matt just looked to all of them, then to me, Kenny finally cutting his crap as he said, "Y/N, I'm sorry. I didn't know he'd be back this soon."

"Fuck you, Kenny!" I scoffed, beginning to cry. This was the last way I could ever want Matt to find out that I liked him and it just happened.

My emotions were definitely getting the better of me, my tears not able to be held back. Quickly, I stormed off, moving past Matt and just walking to wherever. I wasn't paying attention till I saw the sign for the parking lot. 

"Y/N! Wait!" I heard from a distance. 

I finally stopped walking, turning to see that it was actually Matt. My brain went right back into panic mode and I couldn't control it, getting emotional again as I said, "Matt, I'm sorry."

"Y/N, there's no need to apologize," Matt began, but I shook my head no, saying:

"No, I do. That was extremely immature and I-"

"Y/N," Matt sighed, his voice calm as he put both of his hands on my shoulders.

Finally, I stopped panicking, taking deep breaths as Matt continued:

"I could hear the noise from the locker room when I came back. All I want to know is, is it true? You like me? Like me, like me?" Matt asked, but my nervousness wouldn't let me speak, "It's okay to tell me the truth, Y/N."

"Yes," I whispered, looking to the ground briefly, tears falling again, "I have for a long time. I just never had the guts to tell you. I'm sorry."

I was sure that I was going to get rejected or get friend-zoned, and was taken by surprise a bit whenever I hear Matt chuckling, his thumb wiping away a tear from my cheek.

"Why apologize, Y/N?" Matt chuckled, "I know exactly how you feel."

Slowly, I picked up my head, still a bit confused until Matt made himself clear, brown eyes sparkling with a sweet smile as he said to me:

"You don't know it, but I have tried so hard to work up the courage to tell you that I feel like how you do. My heart has wanted you since I've met you."

I was beyond surprised; I always felt that Matt was above my level and I would never have a chance with him, but I was wrong; my heart pounding in my chest faster and faster as Matt cradled my face, getting closer as he whispered:

"Please don't cry or feel bad because you like me because I like you too. I've known you for a long time now, we've ruled wrestling together. You are just so beautiful and amazing and I love you, truthfully."

"Really?" I whispered, still in disbelief.

Matt answered my questions, but not with words, completely clearing my mind, filling my whole being with happiness, my head getting lost like I was in a dream as his soft lips met mine, his beard scruffing against my face and making me smile even more than I already was, cherishing his sweet kiss as it was hands down, the best kiss I ever had.

Even when he pulled away, I couldn't stop smiling, my face filling with heat again, but in the good way, Matt adding to his sweetness as his nose nuzzled mine, his voice deep and even sweeter as he whispered to me, "Really, really."

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