Hearten (Nick)

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"Oh my god, watch out!"

I had never heard such a crazy crowd during one of my matches before, a ladder match for my women's title, so close to retaining, finger tips away from the hanging belt, but I felt the ladder tipping over. 

Rosa already cut a part of my head, we beat the living crap out of each other with chairs, kendo sticks, literally any way we could hurt one another, we figured out how to do it. If all of that wasn't enough?

The last thing I saw was two tables near the barricade, falling from fifteen feet in the air, out of the ring and I closed my eyes right before the impact.

All of the air in my lungs was driven out of my chest so hard that when I went to scream, nothing came out, the crunch of the table echoing in my head. I had to been covered in cuts, able to feel all of the stinging in my arms, back, and legs.

It was an amazing match no doubt, but ended in sadness, disappointment for me when I looked up, seeing the crowd jump for Thunder Rosa after climbing up the ladder and winning the women's championship.

"Don't touch me!"

I tried to snap, so beaten up I couldn't even speak right. All of the ME crew came over, trying to check on me, not understanding out devastating this loss was for me.

"Y/N! Hey everyone, move!"

Matt and Nick. I felt that I disappointed them the most, keeping my head down when they came over to help.

"We're right here, Y/N," Matt said softly, helping me sit up, "Take your time."

"I-" Swallowing a breath, I knew they weren't disappointed or upset with me, guilt still making me cry, "I'm sorry. I lost."

"Now, you know we don't care about that," Nick quickly hugged me, holding me to his chest, "You fought till the very end and that's what matters."

I could barely nod, hiding my face crying and clinging to him, "Everything just hurts."

"Matt, make sure that ME room's good to go," Nick command, taking charge of everything, scooping me up into his arms.

ME wanted me to take a shower first, make sure that any open wounds I had were cleaned, getting out of my gear would make me more comfortable too. Matt had everything on that end taken care of, while Nick took me back to our locker-room.

I was very grateful for them, even Brandon got my suitcase and organized some new clothes for me, Nick had the shower running, but I was still so blue, sitting in the corner of the bathroom, tired, beaten, broken physically and mentally, staring off at nothing.

"Y/N," Nick whispered, squatting down to meet my lost gaze, "You know everything's going to be alright, right?"

Just hearing him speak had me ready to cry again, refusing to look into his eyes, whispering back, "I was right there. I was literally touching it."

"Believe me, I know it's hard," As great as Nick and Matt were as a tag team, they have had their losses too and he was trying his best to relate, "But those bad feelings don't last forever. Any time we lost a championship, we just wrestled and won it back. You, will without a doubt, be women's champion again."

Finally, I budged and looked up into his eyes, those bright, beautiful blue eyes, filled with honesty and care when he cooed softly:

"And I am not leaving your side. We're going to get these cuts cleaned, get you patched up, then in the nicest hotel room with your favorite food. So, you can relax and we can start getting you back to a hundred percent again."

I started to cry, not because I was sad, as much as I was, but Nick? He had been my best friend for years now, always had my back, could always put a smile on my face, making me smile slightly, crying softly:

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

If I didn't have him here with me right now, I could only imagine all of the horrible thoughts that would be going through my head, but when he told me all of that, I was believing it, appreciating him:

"I don't know what I would do without you, Nick."

I had to hide my face again from the tears that just wouldn't stop, wrapping my arms around him tight when he hugged me again, tilting my head up:

"Look at me."

Listening, I got lost in those blue eyes again. In that moment, all of the pain and sadness dropped away, hugging him like it was the last thing that I would ever do when admitted, kissing me softly:

"I love you too."

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