Late Night Thrills (SMUT) (Matt)

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"Another night, another successful defense of our titles," Nick laughed, giving Matt a high five. 

The Elite were back together, at full force and I was happy to be a part of it. I've been a part of The Elite since the beginning. It was definitely the highlight of my career and it was a true friendship, stronger than any friendship I had. 

"And hey guess what?" Kenny smiled whenever we got to our truck in the parking lot. 

We all looked at Kenny, curious and excited then we saw him hold up a key. 

"It's a key?" I chuckled, a little confused, but Don answered my question. 

"Not just any key," He smirked, "We got the nicest penthouse in the entire city! Get in the car so you can see for yourself."

"Hell yeah let's go!" Karl yelled, all of us loading up in the truck, Nakazawa rushing to get our stuff in the trunk. 

Whenever we got to the penthouse, I was blown away. Don't wasn't kidding at all. This penthouse was huge! So many rooms, a huge living room and kitchen, a balcony with a big pool. It was like something out of a movie!

"Holy shit, Don," I smiled, just blown away, "I'll pitch in if you buy this place for me."

Don just laughed at me, saying, "I'll take that into consideration."

"I don't know about you guys, but I wanna have some fun in this place!" Gallows yelled, all of us agreeing. 

It didn't take long for us to unwind, goof off and we were up for quite some time. Although I had a pretty good night, I just couldn't sleep. 

It was about four in the morning and I just couldn't go to sleep. I was wide awake and while thinking in bed, I had an idea in mind. My bikini was in my suitcase, I always bring one when we're in a city near a beach. 

I jumped out of bed excited, got changed, grabbed a towel and headed for the pool on the balcony, which was in the hall across from my room. 

The city sure was beautiful at night. The wind was warm and the silence was peaceful. Slowly, I dipped a foot in the pool, relaxed once I felt that it was warm. 

I took my time in the pool, just floating, doing some laps. I was in there for a bit by myself, but when I went underwater for a moment, I picked my head up and jumped a little when I saw Matt. He was as quite as a mouse. I didn't even hear him come out here. 

"Well, looks like I won't be swimming alone," Matt smiled at me. 

"Yeah," I smiled back, slicking my hair back, "I couldn't sleep so I came out here, trying to tire myself out."

"I couldn't sleep either," Matt exhaled, sitting on the edge of the pool, looking out to the city, "This pent house is literally insane."

"I know right!" I smiled brightly, "I'm telling you, I'm considering buying this place."

"Wanna split it?" Matt laughed, making me laugh too. 

"So, you going to get in? Or are you afraid to get wet?" I teased, but got splashed by a bunch of water whenever Matt jumped in, pushing a wave of water in my face. 

"Dude!" I giggled, splashing him back, just giggling when I heard him mock me, making a goofy voice:


Matt and I were always pretty close and knew how to have fun with one another, regardless of the situation. We splashing each other, trying to dunk one another. He even German suplexed me while in the pool. 

I rose up from the water laughing after the suplex, still not done. Matt just turned around to face me and I grabbed him by the trunks, making a BTE reference when I giggled:

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