2-0 (SMUT)(Matt)

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[Hey Matt, I know we've both been busy lately, but here in the city, I have my own ring. Wanna hang out and get some training in? Here's the address if you decide to come]

A true connection was established during my first date with Matt, that connection making my heart ache a little every time he was away. 

It had been a little over a week since we had time to ourselves because of how filled our schedules were but with a day between shows in the same city, I figured this would be the perfect opportunity. 

I was hoping I didn't come off as clingy or desperate by that message. Not receiving a response was a bad sign in my eyes. 

An hour had passed when I gave up. Matt wasn't coming. With a tense, angry hand, I snatched my sweat towel, ready to exit the ring, but then I heard knocking on the door. 

"It's open!" My voice echoed throughout the room, eyes exploding with happiness and relief at the sight of Matt walking through the door with a gym bay. 

"Nice ring!" Matt complimented, finding the apron and jumping up, getting a good feel of the ropes, "Man, I don't think our crew even does this good!"

"Thanks," I appreciated, "I put a lot into this ring."

Matt always knew how to make my eyes lock onto him, adoring his tye dye t-shirt, but enjoying the show much more when he revealed his bare chest, his abs built and tone, tossing his shirt off. 

I was enraptured by every his every move, but also distracted and just able to roll out of the way when he jumped off the top rope and into the ring, coming at me. 

A sharp wheeze made my chest seize, exhaling deeply in the corner, stressing, "What was that about?"

"I told you, next time we're in a ring, we're having a match," Matt recalled, "Remember?"

That was during our first kiss and I remembered, clear as day. 

A fiendish, playful smile was my response; nodding my head when I stood up in the corner across from him, smiling, "Oh, I remember. Remember what I told you? Don't get too ahead of yourself."

It was hard not to laugh when Matt turned away, as if there was a time keepers area, yelling, "Ring the bell! Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The first thing we did was get into a lock up and this time, I actually had to use a good bit of strength. Matt was a lot strong than I anticipated, but I was able to keep up. 

I tried keeping it simple with some chain wrestling, but our pace picked up a lot, especially since I was a high flyer. I was so used to moving so fast. 

Lucha rolls, jumping off the ropes, drop kicks, arm drags, cross bodies; If we were on Dynamite, the fans would eat it up. We were basically wrestling a real match and it was astonishing how evenly matched we were. 

All that fast paced wrestling was wearing me down, so I decided to go for a pin. Matt and I's hands were interlocked, trying to over power one another, but I swept out his leg, then jumped on top of him. 

With my head pressed hard against his shoulder, pinning him down to the mat, I called out, "One! Two!"

He kicked out and I tried again, pushing my head against his other shoulder, yelling, "One! Two!"

Matt was truly proving his strength, almost breaking my hold, trying to throw me off with a thrust of his hips upwards, but with a loud groan, I pushed them back down, keeping mine pinned against his. 

Silence fell between us, a desirous look in his eyes when our eyes met, both of our chests heaving. 

"Got damn it, I can't take it anymore," He heaved, breaking my hold and sitting up, cradling my face with both hands, powerful zealousness in his lips when they met mine. 

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