1: is this real?

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Slowly your vision came to play as you slowly open your eyes. Looking around you found yourself lying across a bed.

Your head pounding and your eyes are feeling heavy. Soon your vision became less blurry taking a look around you to find your room to look completely different.

"oh what the fuck happened-" soon you snapped out of your daze to realize this wasn't your room. 

"HOLY SHIT I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED AND BEING HELD FOR RANDSOME!" your scream of Terro caught the attention of a fair-skinned blond lady, with beautiful green eyes and rosy cheeks.

"Y/n honey what's wrong? Are you okay?  Do we need the doctor again" the strange lady asked

"What doctor? And who the hell are you" you said panicking and pointing straight at the woman.

"Y/n what's wrong with you I'm your mother" her response left you dumbfounded and baffled.

"what no way my mom has darker hair and eyes and looks nothing like you" you then hear a man's voice coming from downstairs.

"Y/n, honey breakfast is ready! "

"yeah be there soon just wait one second" your so-called 'mother' then slowly approaches you and gently places her hand on your head.

"Y/n are you, okay your acting very strange... Maybe you should stay home, for now, don't worry about school" your mother then kissed you on the head and made her way downstairs taking a second worried glance.

Soon you heard the door gently shut and you were left alone in deep thought.

'this can not be real I'm probably being kidnapped and being forced to be this crazy couple's dead daughter' thinking you slowly begin to stand up to take a better look at your surroundings.

Everything in the room looks mundane. However, you notice all your Jojo merch is no longer there only regular objects found in a bedroom. There was a cute small wooden desk near your bed the desk was filled with books and textbooks.

Lose paper falling out of the ends of each book. Looking around more there was nothing much to it besides the closet and mirror but other than that the room was pretty basic.

A glimpse of a family photo caught your eye and you approach the small desk. Upon closer inspection, you see a man with the same colored hair and eyes as you. And the woman earlier claiming the be your mother was also there and then you saw a younger you smiling brightly. All three of you were standing outside a house that looks nothing like this one.

'is it just me or does this women remind me someone...'

Putting down the photo you sat on the bed trying to wrap your head around everything.

'oh lord am I dead? or super high, wait I don't do drugs...I must be dead and this is the afterlife kinda mundane I thought there would be a battle to get into heaven. Maybe I should start reading the Bible I don't know how things work'
after thinking for a bit to decide to go downstairs.

'alright let's go downstairs maybe I can gather enough information on what the hell is going on'

you then stood up opened the door and walk downstairs. There sitting at the table where the man and woman from the photo.

'I guess these guys are my parents...better play along'

"Morning y/n how are you feeling sweets?" the man- well I guess 'dad' spoke.

"i-i I'm feeling fine thanks...dad" you then gave the most awkward smile and thumbs up.

'what the fuck was that Y/n!? dumbass they're gonna think you're a nut job...breath don't be suspicious' you then quickly sat down at the table grabbed a banana and ate it.

"Y/n isn't going to school today and I've called the doctor for a visit during lunchtime," Your mother said to your father as she places a plate of pancakes on the table.

"Fair enough I guess then we'll visit granny angela another time" the man then took a sip of his coffee.

'Granny Angela? I don't remember having a granny named Angela!?... I gotta ask more about this place and who the hell are these people' you then gather some courage to ask your 'parents' where they are.

"Mom I have a question," you asked nervously.

"yes what's a wrong sweetheart?" your mother then comes over leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Is it alright if you tell me more about this place I'm just kind of curious..."

Your mother then raises an eyebrow and responds.

"sweetheart this is Japan remember we moved here from Italy when you were 5" your father then looks between both you and your mother.

"Honey are you sure you're feeling fine your acting strange" your father then gets out of his seat to check your temperature.

"Y-yeah I'm feeling fine sorry for worrying you guys...and asking such a strange question I just hit my head a little too hard last night. I was just double-checking to see if I can still remember things haha" both your parents then look at you and back at each other.

"Well thank goodness the doctors are free today, hell give you a proper check I'll see you both after work" your father kisses your head and then walks over to kiss your mother.

After that whole mess, you went back to your room trying to figure out what was going on. You then heard a knock at the door and upon the door opening, it was your mother.

"hey Y/n I just thought I'd check up on you again I'm worried about you dear" the women said.

She the walked over to your bed putting a hand on your shoulder.

"I'm a fine mom I'm sorry for worrying you... I just accidentally hit my head too hard last night..."

"Well dear, I hope today you get better and take it easy today don't push your self" before your mother leaves the room you quickly asked her a quick question.

"wait, mom before you go... What year is it?"

your mother then looks at you in  confusion.

"It's 1987..."

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