2: stuck in another world

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After the doctor's visit, he determined there was absolutely nothing wrong with you.

When the doctor left you then spent the rest of the day resting and thinking about what your mom just said.

'She can't be serious 1987!? I swear that explosion killed me and this is the afterlife' you thought.

You then decided to test this theory by kicking the end of the bed. Safe to say you were not dead.

"Ouch! Mother fuc-" you then slipped and fell onto the floor. Groaning in pain you then got up and came to the astounding conclusion this isn't heaven.

You were very much alive you then decided to do a bit of snooping around the house to find more clues about this place.

Slowly opening the door you try to navigate your way through the house. Trying to avoid your mother you finally found your parent's bedroom.
You then dig through all their draws until you found documents.

'bingo this must be my birth certificate and passport' you grab the documents and quickly put everything back into place. While putting everything back to normal a book caught your eye it was a red leather book.

'maybe this book will have some additional answers' you quickly rushed to your room and open the documents.

'ha! Here now let's see...no way! This must be a mistake but then again women with blonde hair claimed to be your mother. But there's no way im reading this right...maybe I should go talk to the lady- well I guess mom about this' you then open the red book and discovered it was your mother's journal book. The book was fillled to the brim with notes about the zeppelis and joestars.

'this must be a joke right!? Wait a minute... This means im in the Jojo universe!?'

quickly you put away the documents and notebook and hid it all under your bed. Soon you opened the door and raced downstairs only to find your mother sitting on the couch.

"oh hey sweetie what's wrong?" you then proceeded to ask the following.

"Mom...is it true your last name is zeppeli!?" your mother looked at you with a shocked expression.

'so im guessing she hasn't told this version of me she is a zeppeli' you thought your mother looked down and stood up from her seat.

"yes it's true dear and im guessing from that tone you know what's special about zeppiles let me guess you went snooping around my room to use my moisturizer and found my notebook instead... and obviously  you read about the joestars" you slowly nodded.

Your mother then sighs and comes clean. She walks over to you grabs your hand and sits you down on the couch. She then explains the history of your family turns out she's the daughter of Ceaser's zeppeli.

Long ago before Ceaser's unfortunate demise, he met a young woman named Angela. She use to work for the speed wagon foundation as a secretary.

They both fell in love and soon she fell pregnant. She later gave birth to your mother and decided to cut off all contact with everyone she knew. Including the joestars in hopes to live a peace life away from the chaos.

Before giving birth however she ran away to Japan. Then year's later your mother fell in love with your father and had you- well this version of you.

'holy shit it all makes seance that's why she reminds me of Ceaser. Oh no this confirms im in the Jojo universe!? And im a zeppile!? Wait do I now follow the zeppile fate!? No, I only follow that fate if I meet a joestar. And chances are looking pretty high right now you were snapped out of your thoughts when your mother spoke these words.

"Y/n I know this is a lot and I know our family history sounds pretty bizarre, but promise me this...stay far away from the joestar family, or else you'll die. I know that it's not the joestar's fault but I won't let you end up dead like Nonno" your mother looks at you with pleading eyes.

"I promise mom...I promise ill stay far away from the joestars" your mother then embraced you in a big hug.

'yeah sorry mom but I can't keep away from the joestars'

After your mother's hug, she lets you go and places a hand on your shoulder.

"Now that you're aware of our family's lineage. I hope our family and future generations to come can finally rest easy" your mother smiled and turned to you.

You then mentally cringe and smiled agreeing with your mother.

'oh, you poor women ...this family is only gonna be anything BUT peaceful. Bearing the zeppeli name is already saying to the universe I'm ready to die for a family that can easily replace me with another jobro'

Your mother then kissed you on the head and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. You, on the other hand, went back to your room and proceed to come up with a plan.

'well that just happened great im gonna die a brutal death' you then proceeded to piece together the information given to you.

'okay so im a zeppeli, im stuck in the Jojo universe, and the year is 1987 hold up. If the year is 1987 that must mean im in part 3 stardust crusaders!' You then walk over to your closet and open it to find a purple Japanese schoolgirl uniform.

'oh no it's true then I go to the same school as jotaro' after closing the closet you then proceed to go through your desk. Digging and looking through all the paper to find a blue diary.

Opening the diary you discovered that this alternate you dose im fact go to jotaros school. However, upon reading more, you find that this alternate also has a massive crush on jotaro.

'Okay alternate me needs to pipe down on these disruptions. I mean look what it says here about the poor Jojo.'

The page reads "jotaro made eye contact with me today im filled with joy. That man's eyes are as deep as the ocean and a body molded by Greek gods who also blessed him with a  fat co-"

You then quickly close the book blushing a bright red. You then place the book into a drawer and get some tape to shut the drawer.

'I think that's enough investigation for today alternate me is a freak'

Stardust (jotaro kujo x reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora