4: Save The Cherry Boy!

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"Hey short time no see Jotaro...and y/n"

' w-what- how the hell dose he know my name!?'

Both you and jotaro look to the window to find kakyoin. Holding a puppet in one hand and looking down upon the two of you with a devilish smile.

You were about to say something but the nurse headbutts you, she then reaches into her pocket and pulls out a pen. She tries stabbing you in the neck with the pen but you before she could do any major harm you use your free hand to grab onto her wrist.

Luckily however Jotaro grabs the nurse by the wrist and holds her tightly. The nurse begins to struggle and aimlessly try to stab Jotaro.

"See I told you Jotaro! Kakyoin let the nurse go right now! I know your stand is behind this"

kakyoin then turns to you with surprise.

"Well, I see you are a clever little outcast. No fear I shall spare you both a slow and painful death"

kakyoin then moved his puppet causing the nurse to rush and stab Joatro in the face.

Before the nurse could cut jotaro you witness jotaros lips on the nurse. As Jotaro deepens the kids, but soon Star Platinum appears and ripes hierophant green out of the nurse.

You gagged upon seeing this and you quickly got up.

"Eww gross...I wish that were me though"
You whisper to yourself.

You then see star platinum appear holding hierophant green.

"You know your stand kinda looks like a shinny melon..."

The stand then began to  ooz out a green liquid from it's hands, Star Platinum quickly released hierophant green.go

'wait I can see stands so it wasn't my mind playing tricks! But wait there's green liquid- shit!'

You quickly ran over to Jotaro standing in front of him. Just as you were ready to take hierophant greens emerald splash something blocked it.

Bandages wrapped around the whole room. Catching all the individual emeralds before they hit both you and Jotaro.

You open your eyes and see a women covered in bandages. She
Has long blue hair and a silver chest plate. And the bandages wrapped around the women even shows some tare.

"I-Impossible no one can deflect my eraldrald splash!"

" I-i did it...haha, I have a stand! Eat shit im a stand us-"


Your ramble was cut short as Kakyoin sent another barrage of emeralds. This time piercing your right shoulder and left leg. This emerald splash sent you flying into the wall, you try to get up but fall back into the rubble.

Expecting this defeat you look up to see Jotaro looking at you with his usual poker face. However you could see in his eyes he was worried for your safety.

Once you give him a thumbs up he nods and tilts his hat down.

'oh lord, he here goes with his speech- wait why do I hear boss music?'

"I, Jotaro Kujo, am labeled a punk. I tend to overdo it with my opponents in fights, so much that some are still in the hospital."

as jotaro begins his speech your stand heals you. Your stand begins to take some bandages off its body wrapping you in them. Then bandages then glow a blue hue
You then proceed to sit up holding the side of your stomach.

"There was one idiot teacher who was all talk, so I taught him a lesson and he hasn't came back to school. At restaurants that served me lousy food, I leave without paying the bill. But..."

"Even I know nauseating evil when I see it. Evil is when you use the weak for your own gain, and crush them under your foot. Especially a woman! That is exactly what you've done."

Jotaro then tilts his hat down.

"Your Stand isn't visible to the victim or the law. Therefore, I shall judge you!"

"Hahahaha! Evil? No jotaro that's where your wrong evil refers to the loser. And justice referes to the winner!"

Kakyoin then uses heriophant greens tentecals to capture Jotaro. However Jotaro was fast enough to evade hierophant greens tentecals.

'Dam it! I can't just sit here any longer I gotta help jojo'

Quickly thinking you came up with a plan using your new found power. As Jotaro was using star platinum to throw chairs and evade hierophant greens tentacles.

You quietly send out your stand and use the bandages to quickly wrap, kakyoins ankles in a tight bind.

Before he could notice the bandages your stand pulls the bandages. And kakyoin is hoisted into the air your stand quickly begins to mummifi kakyoin.

Wrapping him in bandages as kakyoin begins to scream, and struggle kakyoin is now completely wrapped in bandages. you look to Jotaro and say.

"He's all yours Jotaro"

Jotaro then nods and turns his head towards the now mummified kakyoin.


Blood then gushes through the bandages as Jotaros stand delivers his iconic stand rush. But before the mummified kakyoin hit the floor you could here a muffled.

"S-such great power..."

As kakyoin hit the floor you turned to Jotaro.

"Well that was fu-"

"Your coming with me women"

Before you could even answer back to Jotaro, he picks up the bloody mummy and walks out the door.

"Good grief hurry up women"

Jotaro turns his head to look at you. His question pissed you off a bit though, after all you gave him your name earlier.

"I have a name use it Jotaro"

You push past Jotaro and being to walk to wards the schools entrance.

"Good grief women slow down you don't even know where I live"

You slowed down and turn to Jotaro saying.

"Oh that's yeah right...."

"Good grief women..."


While walking through the quite neighborhood, you notice the peaceful silence between you and Jotaro.

However that didn't last long, as you begin to ponder about kakyoin and how your involvement with the nurse earlier may have changed the story.

'How on earth did kakyoin know my name...I can't recall him asking for my name earlier, especially after the stairs incident so this means  Dio knows about me... Great just great the continuity of part three is gonna get fuc-'

Before you could even finish your thinking you bump into Jotato. He had briefly stopped to tell you they have arrived at the kujo residence. Jotaro turns around and you give a sheepish grin and apologize.

"Good grief"

Jotaro then turned back around and walked towards the entrance. Following in per suit you and Jotaro make it to the entrance. But before entering you and Jotaro take off your school shoes and neatly put them near the entrance.

'here gose nothing...'

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