My dads employee (karlity) 💠♻️

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Karl x Quackity
Fluff💠 & smut♻️ (&angst🃏?)
Vagina is too formal...pussy is too unserious..
Twat is too british...hmm☹️
(SPOILER ALRERT📯: Karl has a 🐈 in this)

Karl Was on his way home.
It's been a few years since he's been there but,
His mom finally convinced him to come.
Sapnap:"so Karl,how do you feel knowing your about to see your dad for the first time after basically running away,and being a 23year old loser"
Karl's friend Sapnap said over the phone.
Karl sighed and looked at the big firm.
He had his suitcase and bag with him from flying there from his "new home".

Karl didn't want to see him,he actually told himself he'll never see him again.
But his therapist said something about unresolved "father issues",and that Karl was supposed to face his childhood trauma head on or something stupid like that.
Karl didn't want to,but the more he thought about it,the more it made sense.
Karl:"shut up Sapnap..I'm going in"
Karl took a deep breath as Sapnap "oooooh'ed" to wich he immediately hung up on,before he walked into the big professional building.

"Jacobs incorporated,founded by jim jacobs in 1982"
Was written on a gold platter on the wall.
?:"can i help you?"
Karl:"actually um-"
Karl looked infront of him.
Holy shit.
It was a guy,I mean,it was a really hot guy.
He had kinda long silky black hair,he wore a white button up and black pants with one of those employee cards around his neck.
He smiled.

The guy laughed.
Quackity:"hello,I'm Quackity,can I help you?"
Karl:"oh um,I'm looking for-"
Karl looked behind "Quackity" to see his dad walk down the stairs.
He felt his heart crumble as he tried to pull himself together.
His dad came infront of him.

Dad:"I'll be dammed..I haven't seen you in 5 years boy,give your old man a hug!"
He said before hugging Karl,something he usually only did on family photos.
Karl:"hi dad..."
His dad pulled away and looked him up and down.
Dad:"you look so!....grow up and...feminine..!"
Karl awkwardly laughed.

Dad:"come with me,let me show you my office"
His dad grabbed his shoulder and dragged him to his office somewhere up the stairs.
Karl looked back and tried to wave goodbye to the hot guy.
Karl's dad got to their office and closed the clear door.
Dad:"so,how's life been since you ran away"
He said changing his tone.
Karl immediately felt scared,but he stood up straight.
Karl:"good i have my own apartment and I have a job now"

Dad:"as what,a hooker?"
His dad laughed as he sat down at his desk.
Karl:"no,i work as a camera man and editor"
Dad:"sounds terrible"
Karl nodded.
His dad looked at him.
Dad:"so...still a f-g?"
Karl was fighting back tears that weren't even coming yet.
Karl:"yup,I'm still a f-g,dad"
His voice broke.
His dad scoffed.

Karl:"well,I'll be on my way,I just came by to say hi"
Dad:"glad ya did Karl,good to know that after all these years you've made nothing out of yourself...I hate to say it but,I told you so"
Karl clenched his first,he nodded and left so he could cry by the time he was out of the office.
He quickly left the firm as he started crying.
Time skip to a few hours later,karl was in his bed staring at the wall.
Just like when he was a kid,he was thinking of all the reasons why his dad hated him.

It wasn't worth it,HE wasn't worth of,that's what he's been realizing the past 8 years,but still,it was the feeling.
Karl stood up and grabbed his jacket from the coat rack.
He left his room,went down the stairs and left the house.
It was dark outside,but surprisingly lukewarm.
Karl put on his jacket and started walking.
Just like he's always did,whenever he'd have to much on his mind,he'd go for a walk through the park because it calmed him down.

And there was a slight chance of him getting murdered.
It was quiet the nice walk,walking through his old neighborhood felt so comforting.
And there were no people around so he could quietly talk to himself.
He knew exactly where he was going.
Up the hill by the quarry.
It was a hill in the woods that had a Cliff.
The Cliff had a bench,it was kinda hidden,but it was a beautiful view.
Karl was there in about 20 minutes.

He stopped for a second when he arrived,he admired the nostalgic sight.
He went over to the bench and sat down.
He exhaled as he took in the view.
He just sat there,relaxed,it was a nice moment.
"Hey you"
Karl flinched and quickly turned around as he heard a mysterious voice talk behind him.
It was Quackity.
Karl sighed as soon as he made out who the person was in the dark.
Karl:"Jesus Christ...why the hell would you do that.."

Quackity:"sorry,I thought it would sound cool.."
Karl looked back forward.
Quackity:"what are you doing here...?"
Karl wanted to say "this is my spot?",but he didn't cause he'd sound like a childish idiot.
Karl:"just....walking..your welcome to join me.."
Quackity went over to Karl and sat down next to him,karl looked to him.
He wore black pants and a black hoodie,he had a blue Adidas beanie,Karl had to admit,black was definitely his best color.

Law Firm employee by day,emo by night,Karl thought in his head making himself laugh.
Quackity:"walking? Your sitting?"
Karl copied what he said in a dumb high pitched voice.
Quackity laughed.
Quackity:"you sure you don't want me to leave? Just tell me to fuck off and I will"
Karl scratched the back of his head as he looked down.
Karl:"it's okay,it's probably not the best idea to be alone out here anyway.."

Quackity:"yea...but either of us could be serial killers.."
Karl looked at him.
Karl:"are you trying to say your gonna kill me?"
Quackity:"yeah sure,even if I did why would I tell you?"
Quackity laughed like he just EPICLY OWNED Karl.
Karl looked at him unimpressed.

Karl:"...cause you'd kill me anyway...?"
Quackity thought about it.
Quackity:"oh yeaa...that's a good point"
Karl looked confused,but he scoffed.
Quackity got out a Marlboro box and a lighter.
Karl looked at him as he took out a cigarette.
Karl:"no thank you,I don't smoke.."
Quackity nodded and put the cig in his mouth before lighting it on fire.
It was kinda hot,cigarettes are unhealthy but you have to admit,they do look pretty cool.
He watched as Quackity turned off the fire and exhaled the smoke.

Karl:"not to be that person but...that's really bad for you ya know?"
Karl said the last part in a bit of a joking voice to make him seem less uptight.
He knew telling people shit is bad for them never really changes anything,yet he found himself in this situation,and all so he didn't have to smell that disgusting smoke.
Quackity looked at him.
Quackity:"it's on the box,dumbass"
Karl rolled his eyes.
Quackity looked at him for a few seconds before he took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it out against the bench.

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