December 6th 2045 (Louis is coming to town)

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Today is the day, the day that Louis Tomlinson, after almost stabbing Obama, and then
escaping jail, (just to get caught again) was getting out of prison for real this time.

Larry, his 17 year old son, has tried to keep in touch with his biological father Louis while staying at Harry (his other dad) and Obama, (his stepdads) house.

Louis getting out was a big deal, Larry had never talked to him outside of prison walls or through a prison phone.

"How are you feeling Larry?" Obama asked.

"Yeah I'm really excited to hangout with him" Larry replies.

"How are you feeling though? Didn't he threaten to stab you?" Larry asked.

Obama sighed, "it's all water under the bridge, that was so many years ago, I'm sure Louis is better now that he's been in jail."

The drive was long and slightly agonizing since Larry had just gotten his licence not that long ago and this was the longest that he'd driven for.

Larry was taken over to the confined area where Louis was being held for the time being, he looked good, he had slightly more facial hair and than last time they'd seen each other, and he looked pretty clean for someone who's been in prison forever.

The large gate opened as a big beep sounded unlocking the cell.

The two guys hugged, they'd never hugged before, they'd barley touched before. It was nice and Larry loved it.

On the car ride home, they talked about everything, Larry getting his licence, some tricks Louis learned when he was in prison, and everything else that had happened when Louis wasn't around.

"So, where to dad? I'm sure you miss being out and about." Larry asked.

"Actually, I'd just prefer to relax somewhere and catch up with you more." Louis said.

"Where are you staying? I don't assume you have your own place yet do you?" Louis continued.

Larry then told Louis that he's been living with Harry and Obama for pretty much his whole life.

"Oh right, I almost forgot about Barack." Louis say's sarcastically.

"He's nice dad, and even after all you two have been through, with hating each other and stuff, he's still letting you stay with us until Christmas." Larry said.

I suppose you're right, I promise to play nice until Christmas is over, but as soon as Boxing Day comes, I'll have my own opinions again." Louis said gruffly.

The two kept driving and before they knew it, they were at the family's LA home.

Larry did the key code on the large gates and drive through.

He then parked the car in the lot and helped Louis get his few belongings from the trunk.

Louis took a breath and walked into the house, although he didn't want to make it too obvious, he was still in love with Harry. After 30 years of knowing the lad, he hadn't stopped thinking about him.

But Louis promised no drama, for Larry's sake. So he had to play it cool.

They both stepped into the house, Harry came to the door to greet them followed by obama, shaking Louis hand firmly and offering to take his bag upstairs to the guest room.

Louis declined the offer, wanting to handle it himself.


Harry was looking as dashing as ever, he was wearing just casual clothes but it still worked for him, and his famous hair, in its natural state, with a small claw clip to pin it away from his face, just as I remembered him.

As he smiled at me, I wondered if he felt a million butterflies when he saw me, like I felt when I saw him.

Oh god, never mind, he just kissed Obama on the cheek.

I proceeded to the kitchen of their very large home to see an array of snacks laid out, could this all be for me?

In the dining room, there's a banner, it says "welcome back Louis" well this can't be right, why would they welcome me so warmly after all of the harm I caused this family.

Seeing Harry again brings it all back right to the one direction days, long night on the tour bus, so in love for so long.

Harry came over to me, and said hello, he seemed a little shy, but so was I. He was awfully friendly towards me.

Then I see a little girl running down the stairs, who could that be? The daughter of their other son? I thought to myself.

Turns out, when this sweet little girl with brown curly hair and big brown eyes was introduced to me, her name was daisy, and she was Harry and Obamas kid.

Lovely, any chance I had with Harry is gone, they have two official kids together.

I sipped a beer that I was offered from the fridge and sat on the white plush couch. This was a nice ass couch, definitely expensive, probably imported or some shit.

Obama was silent, what would he possibly say? How was prison? That's not a question you want to ask me right now.

Larry and I talked for what seemed like hours before we were all ushered to the table for dinner.

We were having steak with asparagus and potatoes. Classy.

I decided to say something to Harry. "That couch in the living room, that's really nice, very plush." I said to him.

Why the hell did I say that? Of all the fucking things I could've said, I talked about the couch. Lovely.

"Oh yeah, that couch is quite beautiful, Barack has a real eye for furniture, sometimes I think he likes that couch more than me!" Harry said jokingly.

"So you picked it out then?" I asked gesturing towards Obama.

"Oh yes, ever since I saw it it was love at first sight, that white opal colour is so mesmerizing, and I admire it everyday it's my favourite piece of furniture." He remarked.

"It practically costed us 4 car payments though, But I guess it was worth it." Harry said jokingly.

"It's Norwegian, and the thread count is more than how much hair is left on your head probably." Obama remarked.

This was a really stupid conversation, I don't care that the stupid couch was Norwegian, or the fact that it's "white opal" and I definitely don't care about the bloody thread count.

But looking at the large bottle of red wine on the table, and more on the counter in the kitchen, it definitely gave me an idea to show Obama how much I appreciate him and his precious couch.

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