December 24th (Harrys POV)

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After I had gotten off of the phone with Louis I didn't know what to say or do. Did we just admit things to each other that we shouldn't have?

I didn't know, but what I did know is that it was nearly 1am and I had to get out of bed on Christmas eve to help Louis with this dog for daisy.

I put on my slippers and robe and proceeded downstairs when I saw Larry sitting on the couch downstairs wide awake.

"Larry, what's wrong? Why are you still awake?" I asked.

"Louis just texted me saying he's moving to Chicago next week." Larry responded.

I was stricken by the news since Louis had never mentioned Chicago to me before and he must've made this decision like 3 minutes ago since I talked to him.

"Well what do you want to do?" I asked, hoping for the answer that is he wants to stay with me and Obama here.

"I want to spend more time with him dad. I think I have to go." Larry replied.

Then there was a faint door opening sound, Louis was home and the dog was too. It was an adorable dog too.

"A dog? For who?" Larry asked.

"It's for daisy, I think she's gonna love this rascal."

"Did it go to the washroom yet?" I asked.

"Yeah it took a massive shit in the back seat of your car love." Louis responded with his eyes red and watery, and I could tell he wasn't high, he had been crying..

There was a pause in conversation whilst Larry laughed at my expense of the dogs turd in my car.

"I better call it a night. Larry, don't worry about Chicago until after the holidays, its a lot to decide right now." Louis said as he kissed Larry on the cheek and brought the dog carrier up into his bedroom.

"Despite what's been in the media about him, he really is a great dad." I told Larry.

"I know" Larry responded as he hugged me goodnight.

I proceeded up to the bedroom and looked at Obama, he was the love of my life..

But I had said that once about Louis as well.

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