Awkward (December 20th-21st)

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Obama called for a taxi from the airport to pick him up and take him to Michelle's address where the whole family would be meeting up. The taxi pulled up a few minutes later, The driver looked familiar, and it turns' out Barack actually knew this guy, because the taxi driver was uncle Ian (his ex) otherwise known as David Cross. If you remember correctly, Obama and David were in a whirlwind relationship between him and Harrys triumphs back a long time ago.

"David, fancy seeing you here" Obama remarked.

"Obama! indeed, long time no see, after we broke up i realized that I actually had no money due to the fact that I hadn't acted in 10 years, so I became a New York taxi driver." David explained as he started the meter.

"Well where to?" David asked enthusiastically.

"Oh right, uh.. This address." Obama said as he showed David a piece of paper with Michelle's address on it.

"Hey I know that address from anywhere. Aren't you still with that one direction guy?" He asked.

"Yes I am, this is unrelated." Obama said quietly as he fastened his seatbelt.

David started driving and the car was dead silent. You'd think that they'd have more to talk about since they know each other from the past. But it was awkward as hell.

Meanwhile, Louis was almost at Eddies apartment. He hadn't told him that he was coming, but he didn't want to make it a huge thing.

Louis knocked on the door and buzzed the buzzer. the door unlocked and Louis proceeded. He was a little curious of how Eddie knew it was him coming in, must be security cams or something. He thought to himself.

"Louis, I've been expecting you. You're a little later than I'd scheduled but its fine." Eddie said as he stood up from the couch.

"Later than expected? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Louis said, angerly.

"Well louis, people, men and woman from across the nation have been coming by or calling me, ever since they found out i had a baby. In fact one person just left half an hour ago."

Louis looked annoyed, he had forgotten about how annoying and repulsive Eddie was.

"So I assume that you're looking for the same answer, is the baby yours?" Eddie asked louis.

"yes I am. okay? and I just wanna know so I can live in peace and not worry about this baby for another second." Louis shouted.

"Louis, if you're looking for clarity today you'll be disappointed because I don't even really know. You and I had a thing, but so did me and pretty much everyone else in that jail and then some." Eddie started.

"So how are you possibly gonna figure it out then?" Louis interrupted angerly.

"Well louis, if you didn't interrupt me, you'd know that I'm conducting a DNA test to find out the truth. I have the kit and the viles right here so you could just do it now, I'll have the results by Christmas eve." Eddie continued.

Louis agreed to do the DNA test right there and then. Once he was finished, he left at once. Louis didnt want to spend another minute with that idiot Eddie.

Back to Obama: Obama had finally arrived at the house that belonged to Michelle. There were multiple cars in the driveway and he then knew that it was gonna be a hard thing to do, but he had to, for the sake of himself and his family.

He knocked on the door and it swiftly slides open. To Obamas surprise, the door was answered by a little boy that he didn't recognize he looked like he was 4 or maybe 5 years old, very cute.

"Hey dad!" Sasha said as he picked up the little boy and tried to side hug Barack at the same time.

Obama was shocked because he was sure everyone was gonna hate him, since he practically abandoned this family years ago.

Michelle was at the door and welcomed Obama warmly.

The family, and Sasha and Malia's kids and husbands all sat down together in the large home overlooking the beautiful fall of snow that New York offered.

For some reason, the family acted as if nothing had happened and just caught up with each other, which was better than what it could've been.

The family actually had a good visit and it had just wrapped up when Obama was on his way to the airport.

Louis went back to the airport confused and worried, he wanted a straight answer but apparently Eddie was all over the place and he even didn't know the truth.

Louis went to his gate and sure enough, Obama was there too, waiting with his bag.

Normally, Louis would be disgusted by the sight of Obamas face and his stupid relationship with Harry, but now, Louis has a fresh perspective. Then Louis realized something.

He didn't wanna ruin Obamas life anymore, no not even his day or his Christmas. Louis wanted the best for Obama, it's like he has a really strange power that just with words, Obama can change your whole perspective on him.

Louis had made a terrible mistake, but what could he do now? Everything evil he had plotted had already been done.

So as soon as the plane hit the ground, Louis called up the pet store and asked if he can get a refund on the dog he'd bought.

The pet store owner wasn't too kind about the situation, she had already said no returns or refunds and she was clearly fed up.

Oh great, so where is this puppy gonna go now? Louis thought to himself.

Christmas Eve was two days away, and Louis had to think of a way to fix all of this, and fast.

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