December 7th Eastville elementry schools christmas production

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Tonight was the night that Harry, Obama and the rest of the family were going to watch Daisy preform the song "silent night" with her 3rd grade class.

But since then, plans had changed. Because what was planned to be a normal fun night of entertainment, turned out to be a total train wreck of a day when Louis "accidentally" spilt half a bottle of red wine on Obamas favourite white couch.

Now, as we stand at 5:30pm on the 7th night of December, Obama was practically beside himself about his couch.

Sure, he's already pre-ordered a new one, but nothing would measure up to this one in Barack's eyes.

Harry sighs as he starts to wrap up the dinner leftovers and set them in the fridge.

Wells and Larry had already put on their coats and shoes as they waited by the door.

Harry turned and looked up the stairs, Obama was not coming out of his room for a long time he thought to himself.

So Harry then proceeded to the master bedroom and told Obama he would film the whole thing on his phone and even hook it up to the tv so he can watch it from bed.

Obama was blown away by this gesture and it took him a few minutes but he eventually agreed that it was probably for the best since it would've taken him at least an hour to pull himself together and they didn't have that kind of time.

So they were off, Louis, Harry, Larry, Wells and Daisy. To the east ville elementary school Christmas production.

Louis looked over at Harry, he wanted to make a move, since he still had the hots for him. But had to play it cool since the kids were in the car.

When they got to the school, the parking lot was packed full of cars. The family entered the school and sent Daisy off with her teacher in her adorable Christmas dress Harry picked out. It was a Gucci one, custom made, but this was a rich private school, so it wasn't an uncommon occurrence.

The rest of the family went to their assigned seats in the auditorium, Louis took Obamas seat since he wasn't attending.

Louis looked over at Harry's dashing face, he had a sparkle in his eye it seemed.

Harry looked back at Louis, could this be the connection that brings them together?

As the curtains close, the announcer starts talking in a clear loud toned voice and then the first act comes on, kindergarteners, cute , but a slight train wreck, so Louis zones out.

Louis, not paying much attention, puts his hand on Harry's leg. Just slightly, and not too noticeable. Then he inches closer to Harry, obviously he was okay with it since he wasn't moving.

There was a brief intermission before Daisys performance. It seemed like hours in that auditorium, but it was really 45 minutes.

Louis offered to grab anyone food or water, wells wanted a Diet Coke and Harry wanted a snack.

So Louis got up from his seat but not without pulling Harry up from his own and setting themselves aside to talk for a moment.

"What's going on?" Louis asked.

"I don't know what you mean Louis." Harry replied monotone, clearly bored from the nights events.

"Don't act like you didn't like it." Louis said flirtatiously as he walked away to get snacks.

But Harry followed, demanding an explanation.

Harry what? The show is gonna start again in 5 minutes or less come on lemme get the snacks.

"But what did you mean Louis." Harry said as he lightly touched Louis arm.

"If you didn't like it then why didn't you tell me to stop?" Louis remarked angerly, almost causing a scene.

"That's fair, but stop drawing attention to us will you." Harry said with a wink as he walked away.

During the rest of the show, Louis and Harry got a little more touchy. Just getting closer and then practically holding hands. While the boys, sitting right next to them tried not to notice.

The last thing anyone wanted was to start some family drama this close to the holidays.

The car ride home was pretty quiet, everyone complimented Daisy on her performance and then before they knew it they were home.

Harry rushed upstairs to set up the video he'd taken to Obama who was still in his room.

But Louis couldn't stop thinking about what Harry said and what it means.

Louis POV:

Harry couldn't be less clear than he was right now. Did he want us to be a thing? Or did he just want attention.

I was confused as hell so I went over to the kitchen and grabbed some cookies out of the cupboard and eggnog to wash it down and sat at the kitchen island.

Daisy joined shortly after asking for some as well. I complimented her a ton on her mediocre performance but she's only 8 so it's okay.

Then I decided to strike up a conversation with her, I barley ever talk to young people anymore.

"Hey Daisy what do you want for Christmas?" I asked.

Daisy then told me she wanted a dog, she loves them and reads books on them all the time, yet she'll never be able to get one, due to Obama her other dad being very allergic.

Her face grew sadder thinking about the dog she can't get.

I know I don't know this kid very well, but it's only polite to get her a gift this year. Don't you think?

A Very Hobama ChristmasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz