Fever // Jenna Ortega

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I woke up and looked at my alarm clock it was 1pm. I barely got sleep last night because of my headaches. I didn't tell my girlfriend I had a fever. Because, she was filming Wednesday but said she'd be coming home later. I looked at my phone and saw text notifications from her.

Cara mia<3

Cara mia<3
Goodmorning, ma chére<3

Cara mia<3
I'll be home later in the afternoon.
The cast just wanted to hangout
One last time before we finish filming:)

Cara mia<3
Y/n/n? You okay..? Are you still asleep?
If yes then Sweetdreams. I love you!

I smiled at her texts. But it faded when my head started to ache again. Every inch of my body hurts, im too weak to even get out of bed. So I stayed there laying down looking at the ceiling hoping the head ache would disappear. But, it didn't. I closed my eyes for a few minutes imagining jenna was here with me. I miss her so much. A ding was heard from my phone and it was jenna.

Cara mia<3


Cara mia<3
Goodmorning, ma chére<3

Cara mia<3
I'll be home later in the afternoon.
The cast just wanted to hangout
One last time before we finish filming:)

Cara mia<3
Y/n/n? You okay..? Are you still asleep?
If yes then Sweetdreams. I love you!


Cara mia<3
Im on my way home.
Do you want anything?

Ma chére<3
I want you:(

Cara mia<3
Don't worry darling.
I'll be home in a few;)

Ma chére<3
I'll talk to you later my head hurts:(

Cara mia<3
Oh you poor thing, how are you feeling?

Ma chére<3
I think I have a fever.
Anyways I really gtg my head is
Killing me. Stay safe! I love you!!

Cara mia<3
I love you more!

I turned of my phone. As I close my eyes and try to fall asleep to get rid of the pain.

I woke up 30 minutes later and heard someone coming up the stairs. I heard knocks on the door and it opened and Jenna's head peeked through looking at me.

"Awww, you poor thing." She said sitting down next to me and touching my forehead. "It seems you have a High fever. Did you eat yet?" She asked.
"No.. I don't have the strength to get up." I said shaking my head. "Are you hungry?" She asked looking concerned.
"I'm not that hungry. I did eat breakfast, but I didn't get any sleep last night." I told her wich she caressed my cheek and said. "Wait here ma chére." She said pointing a finger at me and going to our walk in closet and changing her clothes.

2 minutes have passed and she walked out the closet with pajamas on and walked over to the bed and opening the cover so she could lay down next to me. "Beep beep, big spoon coming through!" She said spooning me. We layed there until I had enough strength to get up.

"C'mon lets go to the kitchen and eat. I bought you McDonalds." She said helping me to get up. "I don't really have an appetite.." jenna looked at me "please y/n/n? Just eat a little bit so you can take medicine." She said while she intertwined our fingers "fine.." she said as we walked to the kitchen.

Minutes passed and I just stared at my food as jenna just waited by my side.
A minute later I tried eating a fry but somehow my stomach started to hurt and I had the urge to vomit. "Love, whats wrong?" Jenna questioned. Wich I didn't answer as I ran to the bathroom kneeling as I threw up. Jenna followed right after me as she rubbed my back and held my hair up. I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet, then I just sat there beside jenna resting my head on her shoulder. Staying silent she placed her head on mine.

686 words

I WANNA BE YOURS // Jenna Ortega ImaginesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora