To the lake // Phoebe Atwell

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"Hey, pretty face." Phoebe greeted making me jumped as I closed my locker. "Awww, did I scare you sweetie?"
Phoebe asked grinning. I just shook my head and gave her a tight lipped smile.
"Its okay to talk pretty face. I don't bite." She smirked as she sent a wink.
I wasn't use to other people talking to me well unless its Melanie or cole. They're the only friends I have. Phoebe's the new girl who's rumoured to have killed her own parents But I don't really believe it. Something about Phoebe makes me kinda shy and nervous normally I didn't give a fuck about other people. but phoebe.. she's different. If you ask me she's hot.. WAIT NO! I MEANT BEAUTIFUL. She's really beautiful.

"Woah snap out. pretty face." Phoebe said waving her hand so I could snap out of my daze. "I-Im sorry." I apologized. "For what? You didn't do anything." Phoebe told me. "Okay I'll get to the point. I saw you there in class. You're smart. Like really smart." She told you giving a smile. "Thankyou.. im not use to people talking to me since.. well you know. Im the nerd everyone talks about.
The weirdo.." I told her my voice going into a whisper on the last part. "You're not weird. Trust me If you're weird then im weirder." Phoebe told me wiggling her eyebrows. "Oh, I was wondering if you'd want to go with me? To the lake." She asked. "Are you asking me out right now?" I asked her, raising my eyebrows.
She laughed shaking her head as she crossed her arms. "It could be. I'll bring you to my little adventure. You'll make it more fun and interesting." She smiled.
"Well then, I'd love to." As I fiddled with the strap of my backpack.

"C'mon. You're coming with me." She said dragging me out the school.
"Where are we going?" I asked as she got into her car. "Just see for yourself. You getting in or what? C'mon pretty face. Im no stranger, were friends right?" She said tilting her head. "Yeah, right." I said nodding as I got in and put on my seatbelt.


15 minutes of driving we arrived at my house? "How do you know where I live?"
I asked her. "I have my ways." She told me winking as I looked at her, mouth opened. "A few days ago I saw you on a walk. And I might of followed you.." she told me as she trailed off at the end. "C'mon lets go inside. I have to show you something private." She told me as we got out the car and she grabbed a briefcase from the backseat.
"What's inside?" I asked pointing to what she's holding. "I'll tell you when we get inside."

I led her to the door as I opened it and held it open for her. I shut the door when we entered as I closed the door and remembered to lock it. The house was really quiet. "Looks like mom and dad aren't home." I shrugged as I saw a Note and envelope on the kitchen counter.
I looked at the note and it read

Hi y/n/n. We're sorry we didn't tell you soon. Mom and I are on a business trip in london. We promise to buy you books that you'll love since we left without saying goodbye. Inside this envelope is money that you'll need while we're gone. We know that your responsible, so feel free to invite cole or Melanie. And if you want you can always call. Remember we love you dearly. Stay safe.

Love Mom and Dad.

I took it and grabbed magnets from the drawers as I put it up on the fridge.
"Didn't know you were rich." Phoebe said looking at my family's pictures.
"You want anything?" I asked her grabbing snacks from the walk in pantry.
"Water is fine." She said as I opened the fridge and grabbed her a coke. "That isn't water." She looked at me. "I know."
I shrugged handing her the coke. "C'mon, I'll show you my room."


We went upstairs as we passed The Guest room. We went down the hallway
Wich was filled with medals and shelves with trophies. Phoebe examined all of them and asked. "You do karate?" I looked at her as she was faced to the wall looking at the trophies and belts.
"Oh, yeah. I do. Those aren't all karate stuff tho. Some are from math league's, science fair's, and some I don't remember."

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