Jealousy // Vada Cavell

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Requested by wedismyspiritanimal

F/n = Friend's name


Vada watched from afar as you talked with F/n. She watched how F/n interacted with you. Always touching your shoulder and cupping your face, resting her head on your shoulder.
Vada felt jealous, She always thought that everyone was stealing you from her. Vada always knew the crush F/n had on you, F/n knew that you and vada were in a relationship, But that didn't stop her from flirting with you. F/n got too close to you as she placed her hand on your thigh. That was the last strike for vada as she stormed over.

"Hi love." Vada greeted as she kissed your forehead and sat next to you faking a smile, that caused F/n to move away from you. "So.. F/n, I noticed you getting
too close to y/n/n." Vada confronted her, as you watched. "Im sorry vada, I didn't realize that I was too close to her." F/n lied. "Let me tell you something F/n." Vada said giving F/n a Deathstare.
"Y/n is Mine. You heard me, She's mine. There's nothing you can do about it and if I ever see you eyeing her up again, You'll get to see what'll happen next. Im giving you a chance to live another day.
So if you wanna live I suggest you go home and leave us alone." With that F/n left embarrassed.

"What was that about?" You asked her a small smirk on your lips as you both sat in your car. "I had to tell her what was Mine." Vada said. "Vada darling, Im yours. I'll always choose you. I love you, and only you. Okay?" I said pecking her lips. "Yeah I know that, I just had to make sure that bitch knew whats really Mine."

311 words

Again, I don't know what to say.
Tell me what you think.

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