PART - 6

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He immediately went upstairs and slammed his room's door. The door got locked by him. He then threw himself on his bed and cried as he has never done before. He cried for a long time. He hates himself for hurting Y/N. Jungkook started to punch the wall continuously due to his anger issues. He couldn't control his anger. His anger issues overtook his consciousness. As a patient, he should take complete rest.

A few hours later, Jungkook heard a knock on his door. He ignored it at first but the person knocked continuously. He then slowly got up from the bed and opened the door to see who it was. It was Jimin. 

Jungkook: What do you want? *Jungkook asked with swollen eyes and a puffy face due to crying.

Jimin: I just wanted to know if you're okay... *Jimin said with a worried look as he saw what Jungkook looked like.

Jungkook: I'm not okay... * he said while trying to close the door but Jimin prevented him from doing so by putting his hand on the doorframe.

Jimin: Please talk to me. *Jimin requested as he saw how much pain Jungkook is in.

 After a few minutes of silence, Jungkook finally opened the door and let Jimin come inside. Slowly both of them sat on the bed. 

Jimin: I know Jungkook, this must be so hurting to you. But all of us were shocked when you didn't recognize her. We thought you already forgot about her. *Jimin tried to comfort him.

Jungkook: I'm such a bastard Hyung. I couldn't even recognize her. I'm already in the destruction of the dark. Why god is playing with my fate? How come I can't sense her? I don't know what to do Hyung. Seems like the world has stopped... * he said while sitting on the bed and burying his face in his hands.

Jimin: It's okay Jungkook. It'll take time but you'll get over her. You just have to give it some time. * Jimin tried to comfort Jungkook even though he was sad.

Jungkook: Hyung... I'm sorry for troubling you and making you all feel like this. But I was angry with her. She broke my promise. She said that she won't leave me but she had gone far away from me. Whatever happens, I can't be so rude to her. I HURT HER HYUNG!!! * tears rolling unstopping.

 Jimin: It's not your fault. You're just too young to remember everything that happened between you two. You didn't do anything wrong. We're here for you whenever you need us. Don't lock yourself in the room. The small accident can't stop the mafia king. Just share anything with us.

Jungkook just nodded after listening to Jimin. He just smiled a little at him even though the pain is still not reducing. He just doesn't want to make Jimin worry about him. 


The door of Y/N's bedroom opened slightly as a figure stepped inside without making any single noise. That was probably Jungkook. He couldn't sleep or stay calm. He is just thinking about Y/N for almost every single minute. He wanted to see her face.

He slowly walked towards the bed as he tilt his head staring at her sleeping figure. His heart clenched when saw her head and elbow get wrapped by a bandage. His brows knitted not being able to see her face as her back is facing him. He stood there for a few minutes just staring at her sleeping figure. A small smile yet a sad chuckle plastered on his lips seeing how innocent she is.

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