Wednesday's Child Is Full Of Woe

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Hedwig was currently dragging a mattress, pillow and duvet over to Enid's side of the room. A new girl was supposed to be staying in their dorm as there was no room anywhere else, and Enid just had to offer for her to stay with them. Hedwig liked her privacy and ability to have her scars on display without any prying eyes.

Enid was currently on her laptop, probably updating her blog, and Hedwig was grumbling under her breath (something about some random bitch taking her spot) as she chucked Enid's plushies out of her way to make room for her mattress. After clearing some space Hedwig dropped the mattress with a loud thud, startling Enid. After a quick apology she moved the rest of her stuff to Enid's side. Hedwig took a moment to scan her items, checking to see if she missed anything, when Principal Weems entered the room with a girl and her parents.

"Okay who the fuck took my- oh... here it is."

Hedwig lifted the side of her mattress and picked up her phone and placed it in her back pocket, having not noticed the new arrivals.

"It's so... vivid" said, presumably, the father of the girl. Hedwig glanced up slightly startled as she received a glare from Principal Weems. Enid practically jumped out of her chair to greet the new roommate and her parents. "Howdy roomie!" Enid greeted with a wide smile. "Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair, and that one over there is Hedwig Miller. Hedwig why don't you come over to say hi." Said Principal Weems. With that Hedwig reluctantly made her way towards the girl, as she made her way to stand next to Enid her bright eyes widened slightly seeing the girl up close.

Hediwg could have sworn she had seen this girl before. The braids, the pale face... the dead look on her face.


Hedwig was knocked out of her thoughts by a light shove from Enid.

"Hi" Hedwig deadpanned with a blank face. Wednesday just looked at her suspiciously, her dark eyes automatically went to the scars on her face, the lines were lighter than her already pale face and the wound that made them was surely deep. Her icy eyes also stood out to Wednesday for no one could miss her bright orbs or the dark circles that hung below.

"Are you feeling okay?" Enid asked. "You look a little pale. Well pale compared to my sister here." Enid nudged Hedwig. Hedwig just rolled her eyes and she matched the judging look on Wednesday's face.

"Wednesday always looks half dead" Her father explained. "Oh" said Enid slightly embarrassed that she ever asked. "Welcome to Ophelia hall" Enid opened her arms to hug Wednesday, but she took a step back. "Not a hugger got it." Hedwig chuckled a little and crossed her arms. "Please excuse Wednesday. She's allergic to colour." "Oh wow" exclaimed Enid. "What happens to you?" Flatly Wednesday answers "I break out into hives and then the flesh peels off my bones."

Hedwig snorted a little at this which earned her a smack to the back of the head by Enid and Wednesday just continued to glare.

"Luckily" butted in Principle Weems, "we've specially ordered you a uniform." She then looked to Enid. "Enid, please take Wednesday to the registers office to pick it up along with a copy of her schedule, and give her a tour along the way." Principle Weems ordered with a smile. Wednesday turns around and leaves the room, but not before glaring at her parents. Enid follows suite excited to show Wednesday around. Her parents smile to both Hedwig and Principle Weems before leaving as well.

"We'll have a bed sorted for you as soon as we can Hedwig, and don't forget to stop by the nurse to collect some medication ready for the full moon." Principal Weems said to Hedwig.

"You are very welcome to use the lupen cages, don't forget that." She added softly. "It might be better than your current methods." Hedwig's face softened. "It's fine really, I shouldn't be near the others. As I said to you, I'm very temperamental when transformed." Hedwig explained for what felt like the hundredth time since her second year at nevermore.

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