You Reap What You Woe

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Hedwig stood in a seemingly endless forest, only being able to see a few feet in front of her before a shroud of fog blocked her view. The dark silhouettes of trees towered over her with ribbons of moonlight meandering through the twisted branches that lacked most of its leaves. It didn't feel cold, but the wolf's breath stolen by the midnight sky said indicated otherwise.

Hedwig's piercing stare darted around her surroundings, aching to find something familiar. She whipped around and her eyes settled on a familiar girl. Someone who she desperately needed answers from.

Hedwig's breath hitched in her throat before she mustered up the courage to speak.


The witch just stood there staring blankly at her. "Time is not on our side Hedwig. You need to hurry and find what's missing, or it will be your undoing." Hedwig stepped closer cautiously, afraid Goody would disappear if she moved too quick or too close. "What do you mean?" Hedwig questioned with pleading eyes.

"The gift your mother gave you." The witch replied, her calm composure contrasting Hedwig's stiffness. "You never had it to begin with. It is up to you to find it... harness it..."

For fuck's sake.

"Now is not the time for your riddles." Hedwig insisted. Goody only tilted her head. She knew something.

"Are you real or is this just some sick dream?" The wolf asked, continuing her rapid demands and crossing her arms. In times of importance Goody was always known for speaking in riddles that drove her crazy. A part of why Hedwig had fallen for her. But now was certainly not the time.

"Just because this is in your head does not mean it lacks reality." Hedwig took a big breath, in an attempt to compose herself. "If you wish to help me you have to do better than... this" Hedwig stated, gesturing to the fake world around her. "You are not a descendant, nor a psychic. This is the best I can do." Goody replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Now Hedwig could clearly see where Wednesday got her snark from.

Hedwig went to sigh once more but it escaped as a whimper. "I need more than this." Goody placed her hands on Hedwig's cheeks, although the wolf only felt a cold breeze. A heart wrenching reminder that the witch was no longer alive.

"The answers you seek will come. I have faith in you. I always have..." Hedwig went to grasp Goody's hand but the witch disappeared.

Hedwig stood there in defeat for a few moments before her nightmare fully took over. Looking at her hands, the skin began to slowly rot and disintegrate away. Leaving clumps of rotted flesh and exposed bone. This soon spread throughout her whole body followed with a tingling feeling. Like thousands of ants were crawling all over her. Hedwig stumbled backwards and fell onto her back frantically kicking and clawing at herself in panic, trying to counteract the tingling.

The rotten corpses of her best friends and family tore through the earth around her and began to drag her into the earth, her body began to seamlessly sink below the dirt as if it turned to quicksand.

Hedwig's cries for help went to shame as dirt began to fill her mouth and her vision turned to black.


Hedwig's body jolted awake and she shot up from her bed coughing a few times, trying to rid her lungs of the dirt that was never really there. She was brought of of her blind panic by cold hands resting on her shoulders.


Hedwig's hands darted to cup Wednesdays face, checking to see if this was another sick reality. "Oh thank god." The wolf said breathlessly, before hugging Wednesday a little too tight for her liking. After a few seconds Wednesday pushed Hedwig back to hold her shoulders at arms length. "Are you alright?" She asked. "You were thrashing about very violently. I thought you were having a pleasant dream but your whimpering said otherwise."

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