Woe Is The Loneliest Number

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The next morning was rough, to say the least.

Nevermore had became fully riddled with gossip. Word had quickly spread of lasts night's attack.

Enid had managed to slide out of Nevermore unseen and set off to find Hedwig, as she usually did every month, before anyone could notice she had been gone.

Enid couldn't lie, every step towards the crypt managed to fill her stomach more and more with dread. She really hoped the monster wasn't Hedwig. Better yet she hoped Hedwig was actually alive and not some mangled pile of flesh in the woods.

No. Hedwig was better than that.

As she approached the mossy door to the crypt she paused and took a deep breath. Enid then, with a lot of effort, pushed open the heavy crypt doors.

Her face dropped.

As Enid had entered the gloomy crypt the golden rays of the rising sun seeped through, revealing Hedwig's trembling form. She was clutching herself and shaking in the farthest corner of the crypt with her bare back to Enid. She could see Hedwig's entire back was littered with bruises of every colour, and it looked like a kitten had used it as its personal scratching post with all the scrapes.

Enid carefully walked over to Hedwig and sat down behind her, placing her hand gingerly on her shoulder. Hedwig's skin was ice cold compared to her hand and Enid could now feel how much she was truly shaking.

"Hey..." Enid asked quietly. "how was it?"

"The usual, I guess. But I escaped the crypt, and... Rowan... he's gone." Hedwig's voice was just above a whisper and her words trembled as they left her dry lips. "Word has spread quick, Wednesday hasn't exactly kept it quiet." Enid informed. "She didn't see you did she?" The blonde quickly added, her face laced with concern.

Hedwig sighed. "Yes. But she didn't know it was me. At least I hope so..." Hedwig slowly turned, making sure to cover herself with her arms, the deep cut from the hyde on show "There's something out there Enid. And It's not a bear." Enid gasped at seeing the large wound, not even beginning to process what Hedwig had just said.

"We have to get you to the nurse. Now." Hedwig raised one of her arms to silence Enid "No." The pale girl stated. "I don't want anyone asking any questions. Wednesday and Rowan were the only people there as far as I want anyone to know. And just one monster." Enid huffed knowing she couldn't win. "Let's get you back to the dorm then, Wednesday won't be there. She's off interrogating anyone she can get her hands on."

Hedwig chuckled lightly at this as Enid wrapped a woolly blanket around her and heaved Hedwig to her feet.

To avoid being seen the two werewolves took an alternate route to nevermore. "Do you know what the monster was?" Enid asked out of the blue.

Hedwig hesitated, before she shook her head. "No, I haven't seen one like it before..."

Hedwig has never told Enid about her being half hyde. She only mentioned being a hybrid and Enid never dared to question further after seeing the way Hedwig looked at her, a deep look in her eyes. Something that told Enid it would be best to not ask.

Of course Hedwig wanted to tell Enid, she was the only person she could confide in. But given the current reputation of hydes, it hurt to imagine what Enid would think of her. If Hedwig lost Enid she would have no family. Nowhere to go...nothing.

Enid's voice ripped Hedwig out of her rambling thoughts. "I won't participate this year, the Poe cup I mean." Enid said. "You're in no condition to be competing and I can't leave you on your own."

"No. We need to win, for the sake of Ophelia Hall's reputation." Hedwig replied. "If I heal quick enough I might be able to join you."

"As much as I need you, I don't think it's a good idea for you to take part." Enid told her worriedly. "Although" She hesitated going over multiple outcomes in her head before she spoke again, her competitive side was showing and Hedwig couldn't help but smirk a little.

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