New Woes

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Hedwig stood to get up off of her bed, her feet touched the cold wood floor and a overhwleming wave of nausea hit her like a train. Her knees trembled and then buckled below her and she felt to the floor. Her hands just about stopping her face from slamming into the floor. Wednesday immediately rushed over to her, but as she helped Hedwig up she was pushed away.

Hedwig sprinted out of the dorm and headed straight for the stairs with Wednesday on her tail. Without hesitation the werewolf vaulted over the railing of the staircase and dropped down. She continued to leap from railing to railing, quickly descending and leaving Wednesday behind.

Wednesday picked up her pace and decended the stairs after her, skipping every other step. She nearly fell as she reached the bottom, but quickly managed to grab the railing.

Just as she burst through the school doors, Wednesday managed to catch a quick glance of a whisp of white hair vanishing into the forest. She followed without a second thought, now following the pained cries that echoed through the dense forest as she searched for Hedwig.

The whimpering and cries grew louder and louder with every calculated step Wednesday took.

There she was... a trembling form in the middle of a clearing.

Wednesday situated herself behind a tree as she stared at Hedwig's hunched over body. The werewolf let out another cry as her back started to snap and grow as it tore through her uniform, the pale hues of Hedwig's skin could be seen through the ripped fabric. The rest of her limbs began to snap and lengthen, the tearing of muscles, the cracking of bones and cries of agony disturbed the calm tranquility of the forest.

Hedwig's big paws burst through her converse and the shoes hung around her ankles, now far from ever being repaired.

Hedwig turned her head, partially transformed, and saw Wednesday staring at her with tears pricking at her dark eyes.

Hedwig sent her a sad glance before her jaw snapped and elongated into a muzzle and her cool blue eyes faded to a fiery red.

By the end of it Hedwig's, large frame hunched over panting heavily. Lungs begging for air.

Wednesday slowly approached the werewolf.

"Hedwig?" Wednesday called out softly, not wanting to startle Hedwig.

"Is that still you?" Wednesday asked, slowly stepping forward.

The wolf looked over and snarled before hitting herself in the face with a massive paw, trying to keep the violent thoughts from clouding her primal mind.

Wednesday slowly held her hand out, palm up, and the werewolf whimpered.

"Don't do that to yourself." Wednesday scolded lightly, her tone gentle yet firm.

After a few moments of contemplation the werewolf reached out and placed her massive paw on top of Wednesday's hand. This simple action almost caused the shorter girl's lips to contort into a smile.

"See? Your not dangerous at all. Just confused." Wednesday stated.

Hedwig pulled away and shrunk in on herself. Wednesday finally let herself smile, before slowly reaching out and cupping the werewolf's cheek with one hand. She slowly caressed Hedwig's furry cheek. As Hedwig nuzzled into her palm Wednesday brought her other hand up to fully cup the werewolf's large head. Hedwig leaned forward slightly and softly gazed into Wednesday's obsidian orbs.

No longer were the werewolf's eyes pits of blazing fire, but now a cozy fireplace where you could feel comforted and safe.

Wednesday finally had the courage to lean in. She placed a gentle kiss to the bridge of the werewolves muzzle, right where the scar overlapped on her face. In return Hedwig nuzzled Wednesday's cheek with her nose and the goth rubbed the werewolf's head softly.

Paint It Black - Wednesday Addams x OcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora