You Don't Woe The Half Of It

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The next morning Wednesday sat by Eugene's hospital bed, thinking about all that had happened the previous night. Thing sat atop a side table and was tapping his fingers in restlessness. Without a warning the door burst open, revealing a worried yet relieved Enid.

"They've found her."

Wednesday's head shot up and Thing rushed to her shoulder. She swiftly exited the hospital with Enid rushing behind her.

"Yoko and Weems found her in the woods, not too far from where Eugene was. Yoko told me she was in a terrible state when they found her. She was curled up next to a tree huddled in her cloak." Enid explained as they rushed to the nurse's office. Wednesday clenched her hands in frustration. She should have looked harder.

Wednesday violently swung open the door and rushed over to the bed Hedwig was laying in. She was awake but only stared at the ceiling as Yoko held a cold cloth to her head and Weems spoke to the nurse in a hushed tone. "She hasn't said a word since we've found her." Yoko explained.

"Move" Wednesday ordered as she pushed Yoko off the chair and sat on it herself.

She gently nudged Hedwig's shoulder "cara mia? Are you there?" Hedwig's eyes still stared at the ceiling with a troubled look, her breathing was a lot more steady than in the Rave'N, but still shaky. To Yoko's and Enid's shock Wednesday placed her cold hand in Hedwig's warm one.

The three girls sat around Hedwig's bed trying their best to comfort her in subtle actions, like holding the cold cloth to her face or rubbing her arm gently.

The nurse and Principal Weems approached them after finishing their conversation. "Physically she's okay. Just hungover with a few scratches and bruises. The usual for a werewolf and a student after the Rave'N.  I do however suggest an appointment with Doctor Kinbott." The nurse explained as she scribbled something down on her chart before leaving. "I can authorize Miss Miller the day off to come around. One of you may stay with her and I can get the work sent to your dorm." Weems gave a sad smile to Hedwig before retreating to her office.

"I'll stay with her." Wednesday demanded, "respectfully Wednesday, no." Enid said. "She's my sister and therefore my responsibility." She added. Wednesday crossed her arms and huffed. Much to her dismay, Enid was right. If it were Pugsley, she would want to stay with him too. "Have it your way." Yoko lightly chuckled "I'll bring the work up to you Enid."

Soft cries interrupted their discussion and they all looked over. Hedwig's eyes were a lot more alive now and tears spilled out from them. Yoko was the first to notice and ran to her side, rubbing her shoulder. Enid and Wednesday soon followed. "Hedwig its okay. We're here." Enid comforted, looking like she was going to cry as well. "Lets sit her up." Wednesday suggested. "on three. One. Two. Three" Wednesday and Yoko hoisted Hedwig to sit up and they supported her back. As she sat up Hedwig Whimpered and Wednesday gently caressed her cheek. "Its okay mi amour. You're safe now."

"I-I saw him. He was just...standing there." Hedwig whispered. "wait. Saw who?" Yoko asked. "I'll explain later" Enid said before returning her attention back to Hedwig who was now gripping her forearm. "My father. Fuck... I don't want to think about it..." Hedwig quickly wiped her tears as she realised she had been crying.

"I'm.. I'm okay. lets just get to the dorm." Hedwig announced groggily as she weakly stood up. She wobbled slightly before Wednesday quickly put Hedwig's arm around her shoulders. Knowing how stubborn Hedwig can get in these situations, no one argued and they all managed to safely get Hedwig into Ophelia Hall.


With help from Wednesday and Yoko, Hedwig was tucked comfortably into her bed. Enid came over and sat next to her, placing a cup of water on the side table. "Class starts soon, I better get going. I'll stop by soon to give you work." Yoko announced as she made her way to the door. "Get better soon fuzz ball" Yoko said as she waved and left the dorm.

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