💡Risking it for you🖌️ (LIGHTBRUSH!!!:3)

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(silly hc that they have cabins on the island rather than them sleeping on the grass.
S2 based btw)

[No P.O.V]

Lightbulb woke up in her cabin, the sun shining through the small windows and through some of the cracks. She yawned getting up and stretching opening her cabin and letting the bright sunlight in through her door, entering out into that same light that's been shining into the cabin all morning.

"Good morning island!" She said in her bright and cheery voice, smiling and walking around starting to look around for a new place to explore.

She giggled and her cheeks lit up with a redish hue as she noticed a familiar, beautiful place.

A small, scattered, cluster of trees, the sun beaming down the same way it did when she first stumbled upon them, with paintbrush at her side.

She remembers that moment like it was yesterday, paintbrush had her stand by the trees while they painted her, and that beautiful painting made her feel happier than she ever had in her life.

The feeling of happiness and love she felt was so huge that she felt like she would explode if they were ever this sweet to her again.

She never realised how much she loved them until now, remembering how sweet they were to her when the two of them were alone together.

She wondered how she would confess to them,.or how they would even react is she did.

She feels like this competition tore them apart, and because of the feeling of pain that this caused she was going to take a chance, risking her spot in the competition just for love.

She waited until the sun started to set, turning the sky to beautiful shades of orange and pink, objects were going inside for the night while afew others stayed out to watch the sun set, while lightbulb was getting ready to exist the show perimeter.

Soon enough every object was inside, getting ready to sleep while lightbulb walked closer to the perimeter, as soon as she got out she ran towards the hotel in a hurry, hoping she wouldn't get caught.

Soon enough she was outside of the hotel, wondering weather she should just knock and risk oj getting her caught, or throw a rock to paintbrushes window.

She decided to take it the old fashioned way and knock, or well, bang on the hotel door, eventually oj let her in and swore he wouldn't tell, "It can be difficult being away from someone you love, I understand" he said and chuckled, then told her where paintbrushes room was, and she went upstairs to find it.

Eventually she found paintbrushes room and knocked a bit too loud, enough to wake both of the rooms residents up.

"ugh," paintbrush groaned, as they had just fell asleep minutes ago "who is it,," you could tell they were tired by the tone in their voice, you cound hear a hint of annoyance too.

"It's uh,, it's me, lightbulb!" She said cheerily, you could hear a soft excited gasp from fan come from the room, while footsteps got closet to the door and with a click, and another, the door was unlocked and opened by paintbrush.

"Painty!" Lightbulb practically yelled out in happiness and she hugged them, tears almost pouring from her eyes.

"I missed you too" paintbrush giggled, yet they were still slightly annoyed at this seemingly never ending hug, so they invited lightbulb in, and of course, she accepted.

The two chatted a little, trying to keep quiet as not to disturb fan while he tried to sleep, but it wasn't working too well, so he joined in their conversation before getting too tired to continue the conversation as he fell asleep.

The two giggled, they were now the only two in the room awake (tissues is up sneezing and trophy is up yelling at him lmao) they continued chatting, until "Painty?" Lightbulb blurted out.

"Yes?" They giggled in a bit of confusion.

"Do you have anything we could watch a movie on? I'm bored and you always put on the funniest or most interesting movies!" Lightbulb said, giggling under her breath.

Paintbrush pulled out a laptop and put on a boring romance movie, neither if them liked it, and paintbrush got so bored they fell asleep, they ended up cuddling lightbulb on accident, she smiled and let them stay there.

{*Time Skippy!!*}
(By like an hour)

Paintbrush woke up, still cuddling into lightbulb while she smiled and giggled watching a cartoon she liked
(The original bee and puppycat!! The Netflix one sucks) and paintbrush watched too, getting up off of lightbulb "you're finally awake!" She said cheerfully.

"Wow how'd you know?" They said sarcastically messing around and giggling after they said it.

"You fine with me watching this painty? It is your computer after all" lightbulb said, she wanted to start up a conversation, confused on what to say to start one.

"Of course I'm fine with it, watch whatever makes you happy" paintbrush replied, they resisted to say that they love her, they wanted to say it so bad but could never gather the courage to utter those words to her, scared she might not feel the same way, while lightbulb struggled with the same thing.

• • •

• • •

It was quiet for a while, a little too quiet, at least for lightbulb, she wanted to do something, start a  conversation, or if she couldn't do that, do the thing she came here for...

But how would she do it? She couldn't just kiss paintbrush, it would be sudden that they would freak out in her, so she thought and thought... and her thoughts got cut off

"What's on your mind?" Paintbrush asked, genuinely curious on what the latter was thinking about.

"Oh! You're talking to me sorry sorry- it's just, hmm how do I word this" lightbulb said confused on how she would get away with telling this to paintbrush without them freaking out.

"Take your time" they smiled at her, while her face started to shine a familiar red hue, noticeable to paintbrush.

"Okay I guess I have to do this the obvious way, painty, I love you"


It went silent, paintbrush stared into her eyes, and without a second thought they kissed her.

"I love you too" after this lightbulb hugged paintbrush and cuddled them, closing paintbrushes laptop and said "have a good sleep, goofball, I'll visit again soon" she giggled as she kissed their forehead and left the hotel and quickly went to her cabin hoping she was never found out.

(1105 words!!!! Hope u all enjoyed!!)

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