-Chapter 4-

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//Lord Xs P.O.V//
I sat on the sofa and majin came and sat next to me,leaning his head on my shoulder. He seemed to be feeling a bit tired. I put him arm on his back and rubbed it.

'you okay maj?'
'yeah... Im just worried about them...'
'they'll be alright. Exe might just be overwhelmed with how worried he was about xeno'
'what happened at the school when you went go to pick him up?'
'he said that he was worried about xeno and he wanted to come home to make him feel better. He said that when he made the diversion, he actually did throw up and he said he threw up a lot.'
'how much was he sick earlier? When you took him into the kitchen?'
'he couldn't be sick at first but then he started gagging really violently and then he was sick a lot. After he stopped, he hugged me and cried. When I kissed his forehead,he didn't feel warm but he was sweating'

Majin then cuddled closer to me. He seemed to be really worried about them.

'when you went to go get exe... I threw up...'
'are you alright? Why was you sick?'
'I don't know...When exe got back... I didn't feel well...'

I then started to have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Majin then laid his head in my lap. He seemed to be feeling worse.

'maj? Are you okay?'
'no...Lordy...i think I'm sick...'
'it's okay...I'll help you...'
'no...you can take care of them by yourself...'
'then fleetway will help me! There won't be any of him saying no! He should be helping out!'

Then exe woke up.

'eh... Whats with all the goddamn shouting?'
'sorry bud. Did I wake you?'
'yeah but...its fine...'
'how you feeling now?'
'a lot better. I think it was just my anxiety.'

Soemthing then happened to majin.

'oh god!'
'lordy... Help... It hurts...'

Majin had his hand on his chest and he had his other hand in his stomach.

'dad? What's wrong?'
'majin... Speak to me baby...your worrying me'

His eyes closed and he was unconscious.

'oh god! No! Majin? Majin?'
'poppa calm down...just lay him on the sofa... He'll wake up when he's ready...'

I did as he said and I was really worried. Exe then hugged me.

'it's alright poppa... He's gonna be okay...He seemed pretty tired when he came downstairs after xeno screamed...'

I felt like I was about to cry. I bit my lip to try to prevent myself from doing so but I couldn't. As I cried, exe still hugged me.

'it's alright poppa...i know how you feel...just take your time...youve had a hard day...'

Fleetway then came through the door.

'I'm back.'
'hey fleetway'

Fleetway didn't seem normal. He seemed stressed out.

'fleet? You alright?'
'no...not really... I feel awful how I treated xeno... I wasn't in control...'
'it's alright...you were probably stressed from being worried about him and we both know you do the opposite to what your actually thinking when you're stressed'

Fleetway then saw me.


He then ran to me and hugged me.

'why are you crying! What's wrong?'
'im fine...'
'poppa... Dont lie to me... I know when somethings wrong.'
I sighed.
'it's... Your dad...im worried... I don't think he's okay...'
'did he pass out?'
'yeah... He did...'
'how much did he sleep last night?'
'not much... He kept waking me up telling me that he couldn't sleep'
'what did you do about it?'
'I tried... I tried to help him! But he just couldn't sleep!'
'poppa... Calm down... Dont get stressed about it'

Fleetway then came and hugged me too. I know that both Fleetways and exe could see how I was feeling. I felt stressed and I was worried. Fleetway stroked my back as he hugged me. After a few minutes, I felt a lot better. I even heard majins voice but I then realised he was awake.


I fell beside him and immediately hugged him.

'your alright!'
'are you dizzy or anything?'
'I'm fine babe...i just feel a little but tired... Is xeno alright?'
'he's still asleep'
'get some rest...youll feel better...'

I sat beside him on the sofa and he put his head on my lap again. I put my hand on his forehead to make sure he wasn't getting sick. His forhead felt a bit warm but his whole body was warm so I took his jacket off his shoulders and set it beside me. I then went upstairs to go check on sunky.

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