•4• SEPT 10TH, 2022

11 4 2

3 words; 8 letters


"i love you"

some say it
so often
it loses its meaning

some say it
yet don't mean it

and some don't say it
but show it

they live in love
they act out of love
they breathe it
they give even if
they never receive it

and when they finally
speak it
it means

what most fail to
is the love they use
in the sentence
"i love you"
is a

a person
a thing

they chase after love
a feeling
and when expectations
aren't met
or the feeling starts
to fade

they move on
to the next bigger,
better thing

but love
isn't a person
isn't a feeling
isn't a thing

the word 'love'
is a verb

i love you
i'm loving you
i loved you

love is a verb
an action
a proclamation
of admiration
and desire

the choice
is yours to make

we have already
the phrase

we lack the actions
to prove
its meaning

if you say
"i love you"
but never show it -

you lie
you're lying
you lied

- alb


published: DEC 30TH, 2022

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