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[TTIGRAASxDANMACHI] Tempest Familia: A story written by ParadexTM

Chapter 5: A meeting that changes one's fate [2/2]

3rd POV

Silence, nothing else as silence was present in the room as both Rimuru and Hephaestus moved their hands up to remove their Mask and Eye batch. The Goddess still felt reluctant to do this but set her mind to trust this man in front of her.

Rimuru didn't flinch nor change his facial expression after seeing Hephaestus's disfigured part of her face as well as her blood red blind eye. Of course this was just on the outside 'Ugh this stubborn Old Idiot playing God who would inflict such a curse on a beautiful woman! I wanna go up there and grab him by his puny neck' Is what Rimuru thought in the heat of the moment.

<<Calm down dann-sama, don't forget for what we came the long way here>> Ciel said getting Rimuru out of his angered thoughts

On the other side of the desk the Situation was a completely different one as the Divine Smith could see Rimuru's face. A Beautiful face with shining Golden eyes and the smile he hid the entire time under the mask 'Freya isn't comparable to him..' She thought

"Why.. hiding your face under a mask?" Hepheastus suddenly asked still astonished about the person sitting in front of her

"Hmm... well let's call it an old habit of mine anyways you stole my line. Why hide this curse when it doesn't even affect your charm? You would have noticed by now that people that only judge you by this curse are people that are only after your weapons" Rimuru said


"Well either way don't you feel like we already became closer by now?" Rimuru added after receiving no answer from the Goddess in front of him

"So Rimuru.. if I remember correctly. What do you want from me?" Hepheastus asked calmly as she felt relieved to meet someone who wasn't scared or disgusted by her looks

"You heard about that young boy Bell from Hestia I believe, I want you to make a dagger for him or more that's what Hestia wanted if I hadn't stopped her she would be begging on her knees here but it's not my way to take care of business" Rimuru said

"You want me to create a weapon personally for that Bell hm? You know that weapons forged by me are rather expensive I don't believe you can give me something of that value" Hephaestus answered

Rimuru smiled as he thought 'As expected of Hephaestus a Smith and Salesperson trough and trough even though she is a woman here'

"I expected that you wouldn't make things that easy for me so that daggers just what I want at the moment but... what I want in the long term is something completely different" Rimuru said leaning forward folding his hands as his smile grew bigger "A Alliance between our Familias"

"That's absurd! Do you want me to attract the hatred of all those high ranking Familias out there? They won't simply stand by and watch if that would happen" Hephaestus said shaking her head in denial

"High ranking Familias you say, what do you think those idiots were without the information of the raid teams or the Adventurer Guild as well as your Weapons. I am not an idiot even though I just arrived at Orario I can tell that your Family is an important piece on this chessboard, that's why I want you" Rimuru said

"Haa.." Hephaestus leaned back on her seat "Why is it that I can't sense any lies in your words, why are you so desperate? Is it foolishness or are you sure to win a place that no one can take from you among the top Familias. Just what are y-" The Goddess said

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