Chapter 17: The Visit

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Mugman's POV

It's been a week since Strawberry's been in the, we're gonna visit her during her lunch hour.

The trio walked in the hospital and the doctor spots them.

Doctor: Oh, you're back! Come! Your friend is expecting you.

The trio walked in Strawberry's room and she smiles. She waves weakly.

Strawberry Crème: Hey, guys.

Cuphead: I guess we're early.

Strawberry Crème: You silly heads. My lunch hour doesn't start for another two hours.

Mugman: It's okay, Strawberry. We don't mean to be a bother-

Strawberry Crème: No, it's okay. You're not a bother. I'm glad you guys came to visit.

Mugman: are you feeling?

Strawberry Crème: The doctor said that my ankle needs some more rest and he also said that I will have surgery on my ankle because-

Cuphead: What?!

Strawberry Crème: I know it's a shock, but-

Chalice: Is your ankle really that messed up?

Mugman: Guys, don't pressure her.

Strawberry Crème: No, it's okay, ankle is that messed surgery is next week....I'm so nervous....

Mugman puts his hand on top of Strawberry's.

Mugman: It's gonna be alright, Strawberry.

Cuphead: Anyway, did the doctor take care of you really well?

Strawberry Crème: Yeah, he did. He's very nice. He made sure I got plenty of rest and he made sure I'm healing up really well. He's the second adult that's nice to me....

Cuphead: Second?

Strawberry Crème: Elder Kettle was the first one.

Cuphead: Oh.

Strawberry Crème:.......


A while later, the four of them sat in the hospital lunchroom. Strawberry sits in a wheelchair with a bandage around her injured ankle.

Cuphead: So....

Cuphead took a bite of his hot dog.

Cuphead: How's your eye doing?

Strawberry Crème: A alot better and it doesn't hurt anymore. It still has a scar, though....but at least I'm not blind.

Mugman: Yeah, because you gave me your other eye. You're half blind.

Strawberry Crème: Yeah.....

Chalice sips her water.

Chalice: Anyway, what do you guys want to talk about?

Cuphead: I actually want to know what happened after Strawberry's soul got taken and has been missing for almost two weeks.

Strawberry Crème: Well....I don't really remember much....I can only see through my soul.....I was sleeping in the soul vault and I woke up in it....then, Devil came up to me....he finally had my soul in his grasp....he tortured me for almost those couple of weeks....until you guys came to rescue me....

Mugman: Cuphead found you in the alleyway.....

Strawberry Crème: That I remember....

Cuphead: When I found you, you looked really pale. Without your soul, you were really easy to carry.

Strawberry Crème: Wait, you carried me?

Cuphead: Yeah. You were so light without your soul. I had to call the ambulance to come get us.

Strawberry Crème: And that's how I ended up here....

Cuphead: Yeah....that's what happened....

Mugman: Anyway!

The trio threw their garbage in the trash.

Cuphead: Ready to go back to your room, Strawberry?

Strawberry Crème: Yeah....

Mugman helps his friend, who is in a wheelchair and pulls her in it.

Strawberry Crème: Wow, Mugs....thanks.

Mugman: No problem.


Back in the hospital room, Strawberry lays down in her bed and looks at the trio.

Cuphead: Same time next week?

Strawberry Crème: Sure....I guess so....

Mugman: (whispers) Cups, her surgery is next week.

Cuphead: Oh. Duh. I forgot.

Cuphead looks at Strawberry.

Cuphead: Want us to come visit the day after your surgery?

Strawberry Crème: Two days after.

Cuphead: Deal.

Strawberry Crème: See you guys two days after my surgery.

Cuphead: Good luck, Strawberry.....

Strawberry Crème: Thanks....

Idk how to end this chapter, so.....

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