Chapter 1: Further Than They Said I'd Go

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His idea was, in all reality, brilliant.

The second Techno vanished, Dream leapt into action. He only had one shot to get this right, one chance to escape and make it back to the outside world. Quackity stormed out after threatening him for a few minutes- good, that makes things less complicated- leaving Dream alone to prepare.

He grabs one of the many volumes off the shelf, the book heavy in his palms. He weighs it once, twice, and nods to himself.

Dream has one chance, and this will work.

Considering he has almost no resources, he's pretty confident in the plan. Dream hates part of this plan- including hiding in the hole of water he's supposed to call a toilet- but if it works, he'll be free.

So he figures it's worth a chance. Dream crouches in the water, just out of sight of the camera. He's had months to figure out the system, months to analyze and plan and work. Quackity was a curveball, but the pain makes him stronger.

So, he waits as the sirens blare louder and louder. He waits, tense and silent, barely breathing. This is going to work.

Sure enough, the lava recedes, magma dragging itself back with a creak. Dream holds his breath as the Warden steps in, Sam looking around the cell.

"Dream?" He calls, anger lacing his voice. "If you are here, come out with your hands up right now." Dream remains quiet, waiting for Sam to turn his back to him. Come on, just a little closer. Sam steps further in, almost like a lamb to the slaughter. He treks across the room, turning in a full circle.

"Dream?" He calls, the first sign of worry lacing his voice. He turns around, dazed. Now.

Dream springs from his hiding spot, book raised over his head. Mustering as much force as he can, he slams it down on top of the Warden's head. Sam goes down with a yelp, head cracking against the obsidian floor. Dream takes the opportunity to practically pounce on him, ripping his helmet off.

"Hey, Sam." He spits, unable to suppress the grin. "I think it's time for me to leave." Sam opens his mouth to reply, panic sparking in his vision. Dream digs his hand into his hair, lifting his head and slamming it against the floor. Over and over, until the Warden quits twitching. Dream steps back as his body shimmers and vanishes.

One life, taken. Dream's nails are crusted with blood. He hums to himself, tilting his head. That's the second person he's killed in this cell.

Dream takes his time crossing the lava. He steps on the other side, stretching. Without the Warden to call guards or shut down the gates, he can saunter out.

Dream smiles as he walks, breathing deep. He stops at one of the spare chests, finding extras of Sam's supplies. He pulls the armor out, wasting no time putting it on. He keeps his hands on the axe.

Dream walks out of the prison, as if he never left.

Dream walks into the world, as if he owns it.

Dream walks as if he's free, because he is.

He pauses at the gate, breathing deeply. The air is so much fresher outside the prison, blood and lava not heavy in the air. Out here, it smells fresh, like a second chance. A new beginning.

The world did not stop when Dream was imprisoned. In fact, it got worse. But he can use this, because Dream has decided that he is going to rise back to the top like he once was. The world can be his again.

Dream smiles to himself, straightening up. It's time to bring the chaos back, time to bring his plans back to life. He's been deterred long enough, and now he has some old friends to greet.

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