Chapter 11: You're Gone, But You're On My Mind

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The disaster starts on a perfectly ordinary day, as most disasters have a habit of doing. It takes a nice moment and completely ruins it, leaving behind a charred waste of what once was.

"For the last time, we are not taking Tubbo's suggestion and setting a mushroom on fire." Karl says, turning to Tommy. He's carrying three or four journals, bringing them back to his library from safekeeping. Tommy decided to accompany him– and pitch his case for committing arson.

"But it would be funny." Tommy throws out. "And you know it would be funny."

"I don't want to find out if setting one of the mushrooms on fire would get the kingdom high." Karl deadpans. Tommy snickers.

"You know your fiancé is a pyromaniac, right?" He reminds him. "I bet he would want to set one on fire."

"As I already told you and Tubbo: no." Sapnap shouts from behind the hill, looking up from whatever project he's working on.

"Come on, it would be fun!" Tommy protests, throwing his hands up. "You know you want to!" The demon gives him an incredulous look.

"It's like you want to die again. Karl would kill us both." He protests, a disbelieving laugh escaping him.

"Answer the question." Tommy demands. "Do you want to set a mushroom on fire or not?"

"No comment." Sapnap says, standing up from his post at the fountain. Tommy's grin stretches wider, and he whirls on Karl.

"Look, even your fiancé wants to–" Tommy begins to say.

"I didn't say that."

"--Set a mushroom on fire." He elects to ignore Sapnap's interjection. Karl fixes him with an unimpressed look. "We have to at least try."

"No." Karl says flatly. "No, we don't."

"What, are you anti-drugs or something?" Tommy asks with a pout.

"Tommy, you shouldn't be doing drugs." Karl points out.

"My home nation was founded on drugs."

"Second that. Can confirm." Wilbur calls out.

"I know, but you don't need to keep–" Karl sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You know what? Just don't set a mushroom on fire." Tommy cackles, unable to help himself.

"Fine, fine." He agrees between wheezes. "For now."

"Tommy..." Karl trails off, shaking his head. He turns around walking toward his library. "I swear, I don't–"

His journals clatter to the ground, some of the loose papers caught in the wind. Tommy blinks, startled by the sudden movement.

"Karl?" He asks, looking over at the time traveler. "Are you alright?" Karl had completely frozen, shock written across his features.

"Quackity?" He says, peering down the path. "Is that- Quackity?" Tommy follows his gaze, his heart stopping. How is he here?

Quackity was standing a few meters down the path, right where the buildings ended and the forest began. Same dark beanie, same scar, same everything. Last Tommy had seen him, he had been in Las Nevadas. Tommy hadn't trusted him then, and certainly wasn't sure he should be in Kinoko. Quackity eyes flashed with an unknown emotion as he studied Karl, yellow wings twitching slightly. He looks tense, on edge, and almost... hurt. Karl steps forward, about to run toward him.

"I don't think–" Tommy reaches out and catches his arm. Karl shrugs him off gently.

"He's our other fiancé." Karl says, beaming. "It'll be fine."

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