Chapter 6: Remember When

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The first thing Tommy feels is the shock. Lightning racing through his skin as the potion takes effect. He staggers back, unable to stand too close to the effects. It was too late, of course.

The cons of being undead, he supposes. 

It feels as though he's being burned alive, white hot flames racing over his body. Tommy can feel tears lacing his eyes, threatening to spill over. He swallows them back, shaking his head. He can't, he can't, he can't spiral. He needs to stay strong for even a little bit longer, until Sapnap arrives and he can go back to the brewing stand. It'll be fine.

His breath comes in short gasps, wheezing as his chest constricts with each heartbeat. Tommy closes his eyes, limbs spasming. Get it together, he tells himself, the pain will pass soon. He forces his eyes open, kneeling down next to Karl.

The blood flow had lessened, thank Prime. His breathing had evened out as well, his pitiful gasps turning into shallow, but full, inhales. Tommy sighed in relief, grimacing as agony shot through his veins. Fuck, that healing potion did a number on him.

Tommy hopes Sapnap will get here soon. The healing potion can only do so much, after all. 

As if on cue, the door to the library bangs open. Tommy jumps, turning suddenly. Karl's eyes fluttered, pupils contracted. Sapnap appears from behind the corner, eyes wide with shock. 

"Karl!" He shouts, darting over. Tommy scoots back, letting the demon rush to his fiance. Karl jolts up, face paling even further. "Karl, it's gonna be okay, it's gonna be–"

"No, no, no, please–" Karl gasps out, staring at Sapnap with glazed yellow eyes. Tommy steps back trying desperately to shake off the pain that came with the healing potion. He grimaces, leaning against the library's wall. "I thought you killed me, I'm so sorry, please..."

"Karl, it's me, Sapnap." The demon says, kneeling down next to him. "Please, let me help you." Karl stares blankly at him, breathing heavily. He sputters, coughing blood onto his sleeve. 

"I can't, I don't, who are you?" Karl whispers, eyes fluttering. "Who are you, please?" 

"Sapnap, your fiancé, please, remember." Sapnap begs softly, reaching for him. Karl bats his hand away. 

 "I don't know who you are." He practically whimpers. "Except that you tried to kill me." Sapnap stares at him in mute shock, completely still. Tommy swallows thickly, backing away. He needs to get a damage pot anyway, he needs to heal quickly. He leaves just as Karl passes out again, slumping back against the grass.

Tommy excused himself, stumbling away as pain coursed through his veins. He risks a glance down at his hands, cracked with red lines from the splash potion. He sighs, missing the days where the healing potion used to help him.

Not anymore. Not since he died thrice, and was revived. Forcibly brought back from the dead. Tommy sighs, limbs twitching from the after effects of the initial shock. He drags himself back to the spare room, reopening the brewing stand. 

It's much harder to brew potions with shaking hands. 

Tommy finally managed to get all the ingredients together, curling his knees to his chest as he waited for the brewing to finally finish. He hums to himself, trying not to think about what just happened. Karl almost died.

He sighs, shaking his head. He's been in Kinoko for just over a week and someone almost died. 

Tommy watches the dark blue turn to an ugly maroon. He removes it carefully from the brewing stand, eyeing it wearily. He hates how badly these taste, but he needs one after dealing with the healing potion. He swirls it once, tilts his head back, and downs it in one go.

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