The Case of Yugi Tsukasa

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Tsukasa is a very complicated character that has coined himself as my favorite, so I have given the time to analyze him to conjure some thoughts that stray from the majority.

General thoughts on Tsukasa:

-Personally, I think he's very intrigued by the concept of selfishness and puts himself in a position of being a conduit of one's true desires. This places him in many unflattering positions, being the one willing to execute things even if no one could approve of the results. However, I think this more of a testament of how messy and ugly the heart can be, so it's easier to push it down and "hold back". Tsukasa doesn't care whether people hate him or not, he still acts on their benefit to grant their true wishes no matter how messy it is.

-Tsukasa is an obsessive flea but he's not possessive. Infact, he seems lacking in that trait. I think this misconception from how he was framed in the beginning as scary and mysterious. It's a twist, to later find out the Yugi's extensive shared history, and how they were precious towards one another. But, Tsukasa does not behave like a possessive person as he just lets his loved ones, Amane in this case, just do whatever and allow them to get close with others. If he was the jealous type, he would be threaten by someone like Yashiro who Amane builds a close relationship with but he isn't. Hell, he actually is all in for Amane being an item with Nene based on the childishly, curious questions he tosses at her.

-Tsukasa's love is surprisingly selfless. Based on how he behaved during the Red House Arc at 4, Tsukasa gives himself up to save a sick Amane who he sincerely believed hated him then. Kou asks how exactly is this okay? What is the point of healing someone you love, if you never get to spend time with them, and experience their life together?

 Kou asks how exactly is this okay? What is the point of healing someone you love, if you never get to spend time with them, and experience their life together?

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I think about this response a lot since it's so devoid of expectation or neediness. Tsukasa simply accepted the fact that his life is expendable and that he doesn't need to be treasured or remembered by Amane to be content. He's simply happy with the knowledge that Amane would grow up okay, even if he isn't there. It makes his celebration at the knowledge of he and Amane's deaths as a boy who thought he was hated and unwanted make sense. It would be such a thrilling revelation to be told that the person they love would rather die together than grow up without them.

-Tsukasa is so open to what he knows and feels it's actually quite funny. Hanako tries so hard to keep things from Nene, meanwhile Tsu Tsu is all "Hi!!!! I'm Amane's brother that he ✨killed✨!"

Tsukasa Headcanons: Following section are just some neat things I thought of

-Is actually really good with origami. This is because Tsu is surprisingly well adept and patient with his hands (his house of cards, the 1000 piece puzzle, his Katanuki obsession, and being able to tune a telescope). All these things take time and focus to do and it's an overlooked trait that Tsu has.

-I trust Sakura's word when she describes Tsukasa as "kind in his own way." I like to think Sakura is another person Tsukasa cares for. There's an odd mutualism with them as there is some line of respect between the two. It's also cute to see them engage in such casual talk.

-Tsukasa definitely would just show people random cool bugs he found or like a pretty rock

-Trans? Trans

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