Restlessness (Amane & Tsukasa)

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Author's Note: It's been a long while but I originally wrote this on the Yugi Twins' birthday. Please enjoy.


When the sun sets completely west, mom and dad would leave to rest for the night, or at least stay quiet behind their bedroom door. Then Amane would wait. Listening for footsteps, shuffling, and creaks against the floorboards he would lay in his futon until he was certain everyone was fast asleep.

Amane never liked sleeping. Whenever his eyes would close, there was an itching feeling of missing things. He'll get restless and spend his time doing other things. Usually, this is when Amane would seek out the moon and stars.

He'll creep out from under the covers and gaze up into the sky, taking note of what stars have shifted or which planets can be spotted. But the moon remained a faithful companion. Though it may change in phase and rise later every day, it never strayed far enough that Amane wouldn't be able to see it any more.

On some nights, Tsukasa would be awake to join him by the window when they shared the same room. Most of the time Tsukasa would be out cold while Amane occupies himself. He would watch his twin's breathing slow before carefully slipping away. Sometimes, however, Tsukasa tries to keep himself from falling asleep to watch the stars with Amane, even if he had to tuck Tsukasa back in later.

It was a precious arrangement until mom and dad separated them. They said to the both of them that it was for Amane's sake, so that Tsukasa couldn't disturb him while sick.

He hated being sick.

Amane hated that he couldn't go outside anymore. That he couldn't run, catch beetles, or get grass stains in his clothes and he's forced to rest throughout the day. His parents would fuss, doctors would prode, but majority of the time, Amane was alone.

Without Tsukasa.

This night in particular, however, was different from the usual routine. A summer storm had blown in that evening, the rain cascading upon the roof and drumming against the windows. It was impossible to see beyond the dark.

In a reluctant compromise to nature's whim, Amane remained in his futon, hiding under the blanket with a flashlight in one hand and  a space book in the other. He had already read through most of the books given to him but there wasn't much else he could do. Amane didn't really mind rereading this one book either.

It mostly spoke of facts about the galaxy; how silent, cold, or expansive it is. Not only that, the book also mentioned notable stars and constellations. Each featured page would tell a unique story about how they came to be from various places from sea to sea.

It never failed to hook Amane's attention, making it easy for him to be absorbed and tune out the world around him. The rain provided some sort of calmness despite the storm that further lulled him.

He nearly forgets the howling wind and the rumbling thunder growing fiercer until a flash lit up the room. The light casted looming silhouettes for a mere second before a deafening boom shook the house.

The flashlight clatters to the floor and Amane inhales sharply. Slowly, he pulls the sheets off from over his head. The sparsely decorated bedroom held no sign of disturbance; toys still sat in their boxes, and books remained on their shelves.

He breathes out. Bowing his head down, Amane pats around on the ground to find the flashlight again from the darkness. His thumb brushes lightly against the handle, hearing it roll to the right of him. He reaches out, his fingers managing to curl over the cold metal when, just barely beneath the thundering, a creak echoes from behind.

Tensing, Amane whipped around. The door was cracked open and the outline of a head peaked out. Flicking the flashlight back on, Amane aimed the light to expose the small figure hiding and squinted at a familiar face staring back at him.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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