Gluttonous Temptation

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Author's Note: Another Hanako x reader that is somewhat a sequel to Midnight, the Stars, & You


For the longest time, you had been sated with the bare minimum. Years in your solitude had binded you into accepting the bleakness of having nothing left for you. However, an ache had been growing since you had bounded a new patron to you.

Their deft handling of their unfortunate circumstances, their vulnerable and weak heart— all of this infuriates you.

"You can't be too kind to the dead." You warn them.

Lest they grow hungrier, is what you neglect to tell.

Yet, they continue to indulge you with their small gifts and persistence. Humoring you as they tolerated your antics.

But this only further worsen your ruin.

It cries at you, saying it wants more and more. A sense of unbridled greed grips at your core leaving you in a hunger so tasteless it makes you want to vomit.

Despite yourself, you crave for more.

Forget all your inhibitions, gorge yourself upon your vices, and devour everything to satiate the void that claws at your soul.

Desire whispers in your ears, "I want this! I want that!".

It grows louder each passing day as you linger around them, begging to be fed, and you yearn for the same satisfaction. But the thing you want most, is the beating warmth that they're hiding inside their chest.

To take their most treasured and make it yours to keep and horde. Like a wolf's ravenous jaws hovering above a rabbit's fragile neck, you pant at the thought of crushing it. You want to destroy it all. To erase everything and have it be just you.

It's unbearably tempting for you to bury yourself in selfish pleasure and maul every inch of breathing flesh they possess. Crack their bones, lick the marrow, gulp down their viscera, and ravage them until nothingness.

You want to seal them away. Have them be a caged songbird that will sing only the sounds of your name for your gluttonous, mongrel self to relish in. Rob them of their dignity, clip them of their wings, knock the wind out of their lungs, and savor their soft, pathetic whimpers. You could always use a canary to snarl out, "Mine."

You have them feeding out of the palm of your hand, your teeth so close to maiming skin, intoxicated by the sweet scent of the hopeless, and drooling at what saccharine flavors will engulf your senses.

Instead, however, you pull away, fingers grazing the soft of their lips.

No matter how insatiable you are, no matter how much you wanted to lock them away for you to tear apart and take them as your own forever, you can't.

You can't and you won't.

You know the absolute euphoria of letting go of all restraint, and for that you could never forgive yourself.

Even if desire gnaws and reduces you to a slobbering animal, all you can do is long for a beautiful star to one day snuff out its light to enterally be yours.

JSHK Headcanons, Oneshots, & MusingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ