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"They were fighting again

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"They were fighting again."

"Get ready. I'll be there quick. Don't forget to wear your jacket."

The worry in his voice calmed her nerves. He was always able to soothe her.

This situation appears to have become a daily occurrence in her life. Her parents still tried to hide their fight when she was a child; despite making a poor attempt at that, but as she grew older, they seemed to ignore her existence. 7 years old Iseul would cry behind the door, covering her ears while hugging her teddy bear. However, she appeared to become immune to the fight over time. But still, she couldn't bear to hear it days and nights.

And that's when Lee Taeyong came into the frame. Their first meeting was when Iseul was 15. They met when during their parents' business dinner. Started from there, their paths kept intercept with each other but Iseul was not complaining. Taeyong's presence is like a light to  her darkness.

Whenever the fights happen, it was always Taeyong's number that she would hit up. No matter what time, Taeyong would answer her call immediately. And now, it was 3 o'clock in the morning. She felt guilty. She knew she was burdensome, but she really needed to get out of that house right now.

Taeyong arrived on his motorbike a few minutes later, fists clenched on the handlebars. They lived in the same neighbourhood, so it didn't take long for him to arrive. He looked calm, but Iseul could see the concern in his eyes.

"How long have they been fighting? Are you all right?" Taeyong asked as he helped to put on the helmet to Iseul.

"Nearly 3 hours," she said exasperatedly as she hopped behind him, slipping her arms around his waist. "And I don't have the energy to bear it for the whole night so yeah, you're the only option."


"Thank you, for always coming," Iseul said after they've settled on the sand, the beach ahead of them was open and dark. She tightened her jacket as the cool breeze touched her cheeks and neck.

"Don't mention it. You know I'd do anything for you." Taeyong gave her a gentle nudge as he smiled causing her smile to broaden until the dimples appeared.

"Tae..." she called his name, maintaining their eye contacts in which Taeyong hummed as a response.

"I love you."

Iseul could see Taeyong's eyes widened at her abrupt confession but the male quickly composed himself. And as always, Taeyong just smiled as he ruffled her hair.

"We should go now. It's getting cold. I don't want you to get sick."

Iseul suppressed her heartache. Every time she confesses, it was the same. Taeyong would always disregard her feelings disclosures. She expected to grow accustomed to it, but she did not. But that's fine.

No matter how hurt she was to be rejected by Taeyong, being abandoned by him would be incomparable. And Iseul hoped it would never happen.

"Promise me you won't ever leave me?" Iseul gripped Taeyong's arm and focused her attention on her feet "You can hate me, scold me, or whatever, but you can never abandon me... Will you do it?"

The question made him frown, "Why-"

"Just answer me please..." At Iseul's pleading tone, Taeyong inched closer before lovingly stroked her face with the tips of his fingers.

"I never would have."

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