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Iseul rushed towards her bedroom as soon as they arrived at her house, ignoring her maid's pleasantries and Taeyong's calls

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Iseul rushed towards her bedroom as soon as they arrived at her house, ignoring her maid's pleasantries and Taeyong's calls.

"Stop, Park Iseul."

Iseul even sped up her steps up the stairs instead of stopping as requested. Her face was evidently flushed with rage.

Taeyong nonchalantly placed his bag and helmet before rushing after her, but he came to a halt on the stairs when Iseul's maid, Mrs. Han, stopped himself and asked how Iseul was.

"It's nothing, Mrs. Han. Just a little bit misunderstanding. I'll go talk to her ok?"

Not waiting for Mrs.Han's response, Taeyong continued walking until he arrived in front of Iseul's room. Without asking for permission, Taeyong turned the doorknob and stepped into the room before closing the door again. He also remembered to lock the door.

He then took a step in front of the bathroom. The sound of the water tap being turned on could be clearly heard from within. Another of Iseul's habits he picked up after years of friendship: the girl would always lock herself in her bathroom to cry.

"Iseul, open the door, please... We need to talk."

Iseul ignored Taeyong's plea. She leaned against the door with both knees to her chest.

"Open this door, Iseul..."

"Fuck off."

"Do you realise how childish you are?" Taeyong said tiredly as he rested his forehead against the door.

He almost lunged forward when the door unexpectedly opened and Iseul emerged with a frown.

"What did you say? Childish?" Iseul chuckled sarcastically while pointing to herself, "Do you know what I despise the most?" Taeyong reached for Iseul's hand, but she pushed it away and glared at him, saying, "I hate myself for believing that you have the same feelings, that you love me."

"I do-"

"So, why do you never acknowledge my feelings?! Why can't we be together? I thought we liked each other but then you pulled something like this, and I've no idea where I stand. I'm jealous when I see you with another girl," Iseul wiped her tears, "but that bitch was right. I have no right to stop you from being close to anyone because our relationship has no status."

She loves Taeyong with all her heart, patiently waiting until Taeyong is ready to accept even the slightest of her feelings for him. But Taeyong keep walking on eggshells,  making her confused with his mixed signals, "Am I in the 'more-than-friend zone' or just someone you're stuck with?"

Taeyong gripped her on both shoulders, "Don't say it like that. I value you greatly, Iseul. Of course, you have the right to tell me what you like and dislike, and you have the authority to prevent me from approaching any girl. Remember how we're friends?"

Rage pounded through her body. She yanked Taeyong's hand off his shoulder and yelled, "Enough with that friends bullshit, Taeyong!"

Taeyong flinched at Iseul's curse, "Iseul-"

"Friends don't act like us Tae! No one treats their friends like we do. Friends do not kiss in the same way that we do."

Suddenly, Iseul had her cheek pressed against the male's chest. She pushed against his hard chest, wanted to break free from Taeyong's hold on her but eventually gave up when Taeyong didn't budge at all. She could hear his heartbeat, which calmed her down a little. Her breath was slowly coming back to normal while Taeyong was delicately stroking her back, occasionally kissing her forehead from time to time.

"...What do I lack, Tae?" Silent tears spilled down her face as she encircled her arms around his torso, holding him tight.

"Shh, don't say that baby. You're perfect. The most perfect woman I've ever met." Taeyong whispered into her ear.

"I love you, Taeyong," she said, burying her face closer to his neck and closing her eyes.

Taeyong remained still, his hold on Iseul unchanged but Iseul could feel his body tensed.

Her eyes fluttering open. Iseul felt her chest tightened. Please, say it this time. Say that you love me too, Tae. I beg you.

Taeyong didn't say anything. And Iseul felt the air was knocked out of her. With all hope gone, she let her arms fall to her sides, "Just go home," she said, internally cursing when her voice quivered.

Taeyong pulled back to look down at her, his heart aching to see her resigned look, "I'm sorry, Iseul."

She chuckled, "It was probably my fault for getting attached to you," she said, her voice cracked.

Taeyong wiped her tears as he spoke, "Both of us need space right now. We can't continue to talk with your current condition."

Classic Taeyong's move. Running away every time they argued.

He then pressed his lips against her forehead, "I'm sorry for the dinner last night and for screaming at you before. Take your time to calm yourself, okay?"

Taeyong released their hugs and before he left, Iseul felt his gentle hands pressed against her cheeks and his lips against hers, leaving a sweet peck.

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