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"Where is the child?" The woman walked hurriedly into her mansion, her face clear with anger, "Park Iseul, where are you?!"

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"Where is the child?" The woman walked hurriedly into her mansion, her face clear with anger, "Park Iseul, where are you?!"

Mr. Park gripped his wife's arm, "Can you be patient? Our daughter is not feeling well."

"Of course she'll get sick after pulling a stunt like that," scoffed Mrs. Park. "Do you know how embarrassed I was when my colleague showed me her video that's now going viral?" she exclaimed furiously.

Mr. Park shook his head at his wife's  antics. Even in this situation, his wife was more concerned with her image as a model than about the well-being of their child.

"Do you realise that all of this happens because of your fault as well?" Mr. Park chastised his wife.

Mrs. Park's fingers stopped typing on her phone, "Excuse me?" Her tone of voice was unsatisfied with her husband's sudden accusation.

"Iseul has never received enough attention from you, her own mother, since she was a child. You were so preoccupied with your work that you neglected our only daughter."

Mrs. Park quickly placed her phone in her handbag, "What do you mean by 'attention?' I work hard to provide her with the comforts of life."

Mr. Park placed his hands at his waist "That's your fault. You simply give her money whenever she asks for your help. You never show up for her birthdays, only leaving a gift."

Mr. Park approached Mrs. Park and took her arm. "Sooyoung-ah, money isn't everything. Iseul needs your affection. My attention alone is not enough. Plus, my job doesn't allow me to always be at home to keep her company, so you should be there for her when she needs it, rather than busy partying when you're not at work."

Mrs. Park yanked her husband's hand away from her, "Listen here, Hyun Min. You have no right to point the finger at me." She wiped away a drop of tear that had fallen down her cheek.

"I was never on board with the idea of getting married so soon. You're aware of how much I enjoy my modelling career? But you persuaded me by using the power of my parents until I had no choice but to agree. And then I got pregnant after we got married. Do you realise how difficult it's for me to take a long break?"

"I never intended to halt your career, Sooyoung," Mr. Park said, pinching his nose.

"That's why I demanded an abortion from the start!"


For a brief moment, their argument was interrupted by the sound of breaking glass.

Mr. and Mrs. Park turned to see Iseul standing in front of the kitchen, the broken glass scattered around her feet.

"Iseul..." Tuan Park said dejectedly.

Mrs. Park herself was transfixed by her daughter's pale face.

"Is everything I've heard correct, Mom?" Iseul stepped forward, ignoring her Dad's panic scream as she stepped on the broken pieces of glass, "Were you never want me in the first place?"

Mr. Park stood beside Iseul, holding her to prevent her from further moving, "Your mother didn't mean that, Iseul."

"Answer me, Mom," Iseul said, ignoring her father's persuasion.

"Mrs. Han, clean up this broken glass quickly!" Mrs. Park said without looking at Iseul. She then proceeded to the main entrance, "I'm busy, Iseul. And you, you must remain at home for the next few days until I delete all of your videos in the internet."

"Would you be happier if I didn't exist in your life?" Iseul's words managed to bring her to a halt once more.

Mrs. Park clenched her fist and walked out of the mansion, leaving Iseul totally heartbroken.

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