Chapter 1: A Quest for a Knight and a Princess

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"Your Majesty?" Katherine asked. "You summoned me here?"

The King smiled. That was all anyone called him: The King. If he had another name, no one knew it. "Yes, young knight. You and the Princess both need to go on your final quests still."

"Yes, Your Majesty," Katherine said. Why was he bringing this up now? A thought sprung into her mind. She'd trained for years. She could defeat three assailants at once, run ten yards in as many seconds, do nearly anything. Maybe now all of her training would pay off.

"I have a message for my eldest child, Queen Lizzie of Oceana. The Princess will bring it to her, and you will go along as her guard. If the message and the Princess arrive safely in Oceana, I will retire, the Princess will be Queen, and you will be knighted. The Princess has accepted the challenge. Do you?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Katherine told him. "I accept the challenge."

"Then go," The King ordered. "Meet me and the Princess at the castle gates tomorrow at sunrise."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

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