Chapter 12: To Tame a Kelpie

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The water was dark. Flashes of lightning-like light kept flashing in the distance, and the water stung her eyes, but Katherine was determined not to drown. Sheathing her sword, she reached blindly into the water where she knew the kelpie's head had to be. The creature tossed her head.

Katherine wanted to breathe in so badly, but that would be suicide. Instead, she kept trying to catch ahold of the reins she knew were floating in the water somewhere.

Her lungs began to ache, and her head felt foggy. How long had she been under? Surely it was too far to the surface now? Wouldn't it be easier to just breathe in, let water fill her lungs, and die quickly? 

She shook her head fiercely. No, she told herself. Do not die.

In a desperate, last-ditch attempt, she swiped her arm like a claw. 

By pure luck, the kelpie tossed her mane at that exact moment and the reins caught on her fingers.

She grabbed them and held on tight and pulled on them hard, turning the kelpie back towards the shore and the distant light overhead.

The kelpie fought for a moment, screaming and bucking, but settled quickly. This was part of the magic: grab hold of a kelpie's reins and she cannot fight anymore. 

Kicking the kelpie hard in the ribs, Katherine spurred her into a gallop. The shore was getting steadily closer, but it was becoming harder and harder not to fall into unconsciousness. Her vision began to blacken at the edges. Katherine felt a rock hit her forehead.

Right when she felt she must breathe, the kelpie broke the surface of the water. Gasping for air, Katherine collapsed onto the sand, holding the reins tightly.

"Katherine!" Shelby shouted, racing towards her and throwing her arms around her. Katherine felt Scott take the reins from her hand and just sat there for a moment, content to let Shelby hug her.

But Shelby pulled away too soon and looked at her. "Are you okay?" she demanded. "I can't believe...I was so almost died!" Katherine realized that tear tracks marked the princess's face. 

"I'm okay," Katherine assured her. "Don't let go of the reins."

"We know," Scott called.

"We can probably get a good price for a kelpie," Sausage added. "They can walk on water once they've been tamed."

"That's good," Katherine gasped.

"We'll...leave you two alone now," Scott said. He and Sausage walked into the woods.

Shelby helped Katherine away from the shore. "I can't believe you almost died," Shelby said. "And it was my fault, too! If I'd been looking, I would've seen her for what she was in a second."

"Why...would you have been...looking?" Katherine asked. "We were...told they were...extinct."

"I know..." Shelby looked at her. "You're hurt!" She exclaimed. 

"What?" Katherine asked.

Shelby brushed her fingers across Katherine's forehead, looking worried when they came away bloody. "What happened?"

"I don't know," Katherine admitted. "I think a rock hit me."

To her surprise, Shelby hugged her again. "Don't ever die for me, Katherine," she whispered fiercely. 

Katherine hugged her back. "I'll try not to," she promised. "But I'm not letting you die, either."

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