Chapter 3: Into The Woods

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Katherine held her sword handle so tightly it hurt her hand. The forest was filled with blue-tinted silvery mist so thick they could barely see three feet in front of them.

"Katherine," Shelby said, fighting to keep her voice steady. "My brother died here trying to kill the Ice Prince five years ago."

"I know," Katherine said. She wished she could take her friend's hand, but that would probably be crossing a few boundaries.

"The Ice Prince is still alive, right?"

"I assume so," Katherine said. The forest had never been that cold until Scott's death, five years ago, but now frost coated the ground and icicles hung from the trees.

"What if we run into him?"

Katherine turned to her friend with a smile. "I'll protect you."

"Thanks," Shelby whispered. 

Shelby's eyes were a warm emerald green color. Katherine smiled again.

"My father wouldn't have sent us on this quest if it was that dangerous, right?" Shelby asked, clearly trying to reassure herself.

"Right," Katherine agreed, deciding not to mention that the King had also sent Prince Scott into the forest, and that had turned out to be not so safe.

"We'll be fine."

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