Chapter 4: Prince of the Forest and the Frost

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Katherine glanced up at the ever-darkening sky. Shelby pressed closer to her side. "Are we going to have to sleep here?" Shelby asked.

"Uh," Katherine said. "I mean, I hope not."

Shelby glanced around. "Katherine?" She asked nervously. "Are we...are we lost?"

Katherine sighed, looking around. She couldn't see the path. "Yes," She admitted. "We're lost."

"Okay," Shelby murmured.

The sound of echoing footsteps broke through the trees.

"Hello?" Katherine called, standing in front of Shelby and drawing her sword. 

A figure made its way through the mist towards them. 

And a human stepped into view. "Who are you?" He asked. He had long, cyan hair and ice-blue eyes. Wings covered in frost sprouted from his shoulders.

"Who are you?" Katherine demanded.

"I asked first," the mystery person reminded her.

"I'm the one with a sword," Katherine pointed out, tilting her weapon towards the newcomer.

"Good point," he said. "Prince Scott of Evermore, first heir to the throne of the Deer King, messenger of Aeor, brother to Shelby of Evermore and Lizzie of Evermore. And- " he smiled wryly- "currently horribly lost."

"Scott?" Shelby asked.

"Who are you?" The Prince asked. "I feel like I should know you."

"You should!" Shelby exclaimed. "It's Shelby, Scott! And Katherine! What have you been doing for the past five years? Everyone in the kingdom thinks you're dead! Is the Ice Prince still alive?"

Scott grinned. "You've grown! I assume you're still friends with Katherine. I shouldn't be surprised. Mother said you two were going to get married one day."

Katherine and Shelby both blushed bright red. "Scott," Shelby muttered.

"Your Highness," Katherine cut in. "We really must know if the Ice Prince is still alive."

"No," Scott said. "No, I killed him using my ice powers. And then I got lost. This forest doesn't let you die while you're in it, but...I've fallen more and more to the mercy of what I thought was a gift." He gestured to his icy hair and frost-covered feathered.

"Oh, hey, I forgot- you're not in line for the throne anymore," Shelby told him. "I am."

"You are!" Scott laughed. "What happened to Lizzie?"

"She's Queen Lizzie of Oceana now," Shelby said. "She had a fight with Father, left, started her own kingdom, and is engaged to Prince Joel of Mezalea."

"Wow," Scott said. "I leave for five years and you both grow up."

"Yeah!" Shelby said. "We're carrying a message to her, and if we can do it, I'll be queen and Katherine will be a knight!"

"No way?" Scott asked. "That's awesome!" He turned to Katherine. "Your brother- Jimmy. How is he?"

Katherine sighed. "Not great, for the past five years, Your Highness. I mean, he's still a little ray of sunshine, but...he's been different."

"He misses you," Shelby translated. 

Scott brightened. "You think so? Really? I mean, I've been gone for five years...he hasn't...moved on?"

Katherine sighed. "Your Highness, I don't think Jimmy will ever move on from you."

Scott smiled. "Quit calling me 'Your Highness.'"

Katherine nodded. "Okay. You wish to travel with us?"

"Yes," Scott said emphatically. "I know the way out! We can make it in a few days."

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