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beautiful monster -


With the warm glow from the multiple small lights in her apartment. Chiasa was now sitting on the floor with the stranger she invited in to tend to his injuries.

He was quiet on the way there, and she had to look behind herself every so often to be sure that he was still following her. Once they walked up the flight of stairs, soft grunts escaped his lips from the pain of his beaten-up feet. It was hard for her to hear him struggle; even though she had just met him, her heart ached to see this stranger in so much pain.

When they entered her small abode her first thought was the realization that she just let a complete stranger into her home. Genuinely this could be the dumbest decision of her life. Maybe, it was the early morning dew that gleamed on his skin or his tired eyes as he sluggishly walked behind her that kept her persistent in her efforts.

He was obviously uncomfortable as he stayed at the entrance, even if Jeonghan was numb to everything. His natural manners and this new feeling of always wanting to recluse kept him stuck. From his aching feet that tracked dirt and blood, he didn't feel right to walk onto the clean floors.

She noticed him freeze up, not moving an inch, but also recognizing his curious eyes that looked around even if it was barely visible.

The peaceful atmosphere made the situation less intimidating for them both. She applied the ointment to the cuts to his face and then his hands. In front of them on the coffee table sat an empty glass that once had water in it, but once she gave it to him, it was gone moments after.

He didn't talk to her, and honestly she didn't mind, but a part of her was curious about who he was and how he managed to be so broken physically. Many reasons racked her mind, was he beaten up? Or did he get injured, or was it all self-inflicted? But she knew it would be too forward to ask.

Applying ointment on the last cut on his face, she noticed his droopy eyes, his slowed breathing, exhaustion so evident on the bleach-blond hair man.

She felt almost uncomfortable from the lack of information. She knew though she couldn't even be mad at him, because she never asked. So even as dreamland was pulling him away from reality as the minutes went on, she still felt the need to at least introduce herself.

A yawn came first, then her voice softly spoke, "Uhm, I'm Chiasa. I should at least introduce myself to you... since I dragged you here."

She didn't expect a response. Since he had only spoken once. After a minute she stood up, only to freeze at his voice.

"Jeonghan. My name is Jeonghan." His voice was so quiet that after he spoke, his eyes closed, and his head leaned back to hit the couch.

It was past her bedtime, although she was almost enamored by his voice. Even though it was rough, it still had silky undertones that she assumed, once repaired, could suffice as a hug.

His slow breathing was really the only sound in the room, and hastily, she grabbed a blanket to lay over him, stopping to look at the stranger's face. Well, Jeonghan's face.

He was pretty, she wouldn't be shy to admit. His features were heavenly in her opinion, soft but sculpted. She stared more than she should've, hitting herself lightly to snap out of it. "Chiasa, you've gone crazy," She whispered to herself, shaking her head before heading to her bedroom.

The small bedroom where even though she didn't assume he would harm her, she locked her door. Just to make sure. And then she fell into her deserved sleep.

What was as intense as an inferno's fire and as alert as a fire alarm, Chiasa's dream, although intense at first, was the only place where Chiasa truly felt herself.

The heat should've been unbearing, and the simmering alarm should've made her ears ring, but the intensity calmed her down as she walked closer to the noise, feeling the warmth cuddle onto her skin. This was normal; the dream was the one she welcomed the most, the one where it talked to her and advised her humbly.

The entity was looming and intense, but she was never afraid of it. It glowed in warmth, and its figure flowed loosely into what resembled a human, but she knew it was not.

"You invited a stranger into your home Chiasa. You've never been this impulsive before." Somehow the entity knew of her every move, her every thought, and today it seemed shocked by her actions.

She sits on a glowing white block, fog covering her feet, "I know. I can't believe I did that, but he needed help, and if I didn't he might not even be alive now." She picked at her fingers, a habit that prevailed even in rest.

"That man's soul is tarnished, so broken and sad. His energy is so dark." Even the entity held compassion for the stranger, pity displaying in its voice.

"I wonder what happened to him..." She trailed off even in her dreams, the picture of Jeonghan on that bridge so vulnerable and weak replayed in her head. "I should continue to help him right? If I don't who will?"

What resembles the entity's head titled curiously, its eyes glowing brighter at her words. "Are you asking me if he's a threat to you?"

Chiasa looked at the entity, her eyes softening, her brows lifting up. "It would be nice if you could give me the run down like you normally do, but I can assume already from how you spoke about him that he must be okay."

It moved forward to Chiasa, not as relaxed but never did it not alert Chiasa of danger that lurked around her. The entity's naturally cat-eyed shaped eyes softened like hers did. and it paced subtly once it was in front of her.

"What?" She asked.

"I could not read on who he was, I could only garner the past week, and from that, I don't recognize danger—"

"—That's good. Then why are you so tense?" She couldn't understand what it was trying to say.

"Chiasa, his past is unreadable. I don't know if he is a threat or not. So be careful." The entity was unsure of Jeonghan's past, and that was worrisome. Still, the entity wouldn't worry Chiasa if it wasn't sure what is going on.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow," Chiasa spoke, the warmth becoming colder and colder as the light in the room began to dim.

"Goodbye, Chiasa."

"Goodbye, Haco." Her eyes blinked open, her dreams always felt too real.  At this point, she typically believed whatever the entity would warn her about because normally it was right. Chiasa has had these dreams since she was a kid, and although she didn't understand the reason for them, she enjoyed Haco's company.

Opening her bedroom door, she looked out to the living room. Her heart dropping at Jeonghan's disappearance, all that was left was the blanket she placed on him earlier that day, it was folded nealty and left on the couch.

Someone had left her again.

Someone had left her again

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

okay 3rd chapt . the story will just continue to get more intense here on out. fallin flower is wayyy different than nec and you all will notice that soon.

lmk know what you all think! <333

fallin flower, yoon jeonghanΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα