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another lifetime - nao


Eventually, Jeonghan managed to try on the clothes. And soon after they left the thrift store with a couple of bags in their hands walking back to her house.

He did feel better, and although the anxiousness left a layer of haze on him he was able to continue the day. He never experienced anything like it, fear over nothing visual, just overtly stimulated. It was difficult to once again rely so easily on her. Jeonghan had a similar worry to Chiasa, but instead of worrying about being lonely, he was scared to be torn away from the people he cared about. Something he knew all too well.

And that scene was not one he favored, no it haunted him in the deepest layers of his scabs and fresh scars.

As a human, with so much history, and so much damage, his emotions were on overdrive. His appearance might look collected but his stress and worry were just high functioning. He quickly realized as she held his hands in that dressing room that this was frightening, as he was a ticking time bomb with no idea how to defuse it.

Luckily for him, Chiasa didn't make his emotional outburst odd or trivial. No, Chiasa truly didn't mind his emotions, all she hoped was that he one day would be able to regulate and feel better. There was nothing wrong with having emotions and being anxious in a new place and she hoped he would learn that as she held his hands in that moment.

"I kinda want some ice cream." Although the sun did shine, the winter's breeze was still cold enough to make faces pink. They strolled as she practically suggested getting ice cream.

He had no reason to discourage her wants, nor did he want to. The moment she thought about and then exclaimed her want for a treat, he saw her legs pick up in pace, almost skip-like, which matched his stride better anyways.

She smiled quite big as she swayed in her skip, almost tripping for a moment but saving herself, an awkward giggle escaping her lips.

He noticed as she led to wherever she wanted to get her ice cream, that her smile was somewhat lopsided and it puffed up her cheeks, which made her eyes squint.

It was a cheerful expression, that seeing lifted his spirits more than he expected. His own mouth wanted to lift from her expression. "Are you that excited about ice cream?"

She hummed, such a small thing she remembered could so easily change her mood, so easily bring out her whimsical elation vividly.

"I love cold food, especially in the winter. As a child, there was a time in my life when I was quite sick and my medications weren't working. The only thing that made me feel better in freezing weather was these lemon ice pops." Her eyes almost sparkled at him as she recalled the treat she ate. Even in a time were pain and struggle was vivid and upfront, she still managed to see the sliver lining, the sweet moments.

Chiasa had no problem with sharing memories that exposed her past, she was quite an open book, and the more time Jeonghan would spend with her the more he would realize it.

He was slow to realize, distracted by her oversharing, that they were in front of the convenience store she worked at.

"I get an employee discount here." She shrugged, opening the door that dinged as she did with Jeonghan following her.

They only made it a few steps in the door when Chiasa's name was called in excitement which made the two both jump out of surprise.

"Chiasa!" From behind the counter, stood Myunghee, her hair in a ponytail and a gleeful smile to see Chiasa.

fallin flower, yoon jeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now