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tw: suicidal thoughts.

perfectionist - will jay


Demons and Angels.

They now, after the treacherous fight in Hell, were able to interact with each other without being shamed.

Everything for those two supernaturals seemed better, there were still the classic fearfulness and annoyance, but both kinds were becoming tolerant of each other.

It wasn't only new relationships that were blooming but old ones that could be rekindled. The two were finally flowing together in a loose interpretation of harmony.

But nothing about that mattered for him nor her. He was banned from Heaven, his pride ripped away when they brutally tore his wings off him; nothing about that moment was sane.

So here he was, a fallen angel with a properly functioning heart. He couldn't spread his wings to fly, indulge in the beauty in the Heavens, or go on without the fear of death itching at him.

He was practically an infant; that was thrown into a pool and just expected to swim, but it wasn't that easy. Jeonghan didn't have those survival instincts humans had, at least not yet.

Jeonghan's first 'life' was as an angel. He was born with parents who grew him up to be such a pristine angel. But all of that had vanished, and he felt ashamed- never wanting to face his parents as he also missed them so much, just wanting to crawl into their arms and weep.

Though their embrace would be a relief, he didn't even show him their love after what he did. He tried to kill a council member they knew all too well.

He was a sinner; it crawled into his mind, feeling disgusted with himself. He now was just as bad as demons who sinned, and he might be worse. All sense of wisdom, rationality, and logic was gone. All he could feel was pain, guilt, and jealousy. Jeonghan was not who he was anymore, not worthy of angel status, with his mentality that swayed and destroyed his previous morals.

His new-ish pumping heart was painfully beating in melancholy, turmoil, and torment. The orchestra that used to be embedded in him- the orchestra that sang so elegantly in him was now long gone.

He didn't know the face he saw in reflections anymore; Jeonghan was a broken ballerina that fell off a music box that used to spin smoothly; he wasn't himself. The wise, compassionate, rational angel anymore.

He was just Yoon Jeonghan, a human to whom no one even spared a second glance, no one curious about all the wonders that were now buried and crushed deep inside of him.

The first day of being thrown into Earth's soil in a place where he'd never been was more than a culture shock.

The sky thundered loudly for his sins, and the tears of his brothers and sisters in Heaven rained onto him and others.

He lay in the fetal position, the grass soft underneath him as rain soaked his clothes and fell on his skin. The chilled water antagonized his burning skin from the trauma-inflicted wounds, one's that wouldn't heal quickly. So inhumane.

His tears entangled with the water on his cheeks, his violent cries were no match to the thundering sky, and no one could see his frail body in the middle of the field so far away from the road.

He was no match against the sky; he lost. He lost everything.In a tiny sliver of his crowded mind, a thought, a worry pushed to the forefront. Are his friends okay? Will they win? Will they survive?

A temporary remnant of himself escaped the lockbox inside his heart. He hoped they would survive and not end up like him.

Slowly, the clouds simmered away, and the rain became less threatening. The storm was finally leaving Earth as their introduction for him was finished. Earth now knew that it inhabited Jeonghan, the banished angel.

His hands gripped the grass, gaining leverage to get up even as he whimpered with every movement. The field was empty, which was expected, but how silent it was as he looked out to the horizon only added to the loneliness attacking his core.

No sound of cars or people, maybe they were in the far away distance, and if he was an angel, he would've at least heard their voices whispered or car engines mumbled if they were. But now he was just a regular human with an angel's past. That would be the most challenging feat, learning to breathe his own breath again.

Only his breathing and aching groan were heard in the silence, and he got up. Slowly, achingly he did till he stood on his feet. He felt a sense of relief as he accomplished standing, as even the simple movement drained his energy.

Was this really his life now? What was he even supposed to do? Where was he supposed to go?

Jeonghan didn't have an answer to any of the questions that ran through his mind, nor did he have the energy to problem-solve like he always had. His confidence also wouldn't let him because he couldn't even problem-solve the most significant feat of his life, and instead ended up on Earth.

He began to walk, not with a destination in mind, but he walked nonetheless. With a destination unknown, but with some sort of natural luck, he made it past the field where the small town finally showed. A ranch with cows lay beside the concrete road, old and covered with dirt. Even though signs of life flickered in his eyesight, everything still felt gray, lifeless.

He continued to walk along the road, shoulders slumped and eyes looking down to his feet. Not knowing if his end was near, but softly hoping it was.

His symphony began to fade away, his swan song creeping in.

well first chapter to kick off fallin flower! lmk your thoughts :)

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well first chapter to kick off fallin flower! lmk your thoughts :)

fallin flower, yoon jeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now