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lovin me - fifty fifty


Touching the feather brought Chiasa's mind into a downward spiral. The feeling was foreign but familiar at the same time. She inspected the ash that piled in her hand. It almost looked inflamed, but it didn't burn to the touch. It was somewhat reflective, and the ash adorned her hand like it was natural and meant to be there.

A wind-rushing sound garnered her attention. The looming figure she looked for stood far away. It looked slightly different but also illuminated brighter than before.


It acknowledged her without any words, silent but expecting Chiasa to put the puzzle pieces together on her own finally. Until then, in limbo, she would be alone. Alone until she would have her revelation.

The pulling feeling accompanied Haco disappearing into the background, and an unfamiliar flapping sound echoed through her mind, splashing her system in nerve-wracking jubilation.

Her body reactively took harsh breaths to accompany her in reality. Although difficult to manage, it wasn't anything new.

Her fingers felt like a chalky substance was on them as she rubbed them together. She took a look closer, her eyebrows furrowed, and her newly token phrase escaped her mouth.

"What the hell?"

The same ashes that dusted her hands in her dream were now in the ridges of her fingertips. The same reflective fiery mixture was alarming.

The feather became ash from her touch. The ash piled in her hands, and now, in reality, the ash stays stained on her fingers. A haunting sensation lingers as her heart races.

Chiasa always knew Haco was never really real. Back somewhere in her mind, she assumed her mind created it as something to help with her decisions and hope. It came the night she almost said goodbye to Earth like a prayer or dangling hope Haco introduced itself, and ever since it has been her compass.

It was a stress reliever, and truly, she believed it was all a figment of her imagination. Maybe somewhere deep inside her senses, she deemed Haco was real, but reality kept her level-headed.

She had never seen Haco outside her dreams, the entity stayed inside, but now on her fingers was a connection to the limbo dreamland she thought she created.

Unsure, but something, was real about those dreams, and that was entirely too threatening for a Sunday morning.

Her throat was sore, and her back ached like it had recently. She scrunched her face, rolling her head to relieve some pressure. Then she stared more at the ashes on her fingers.

Enchanting and alluring the ashes were somehow beautiful but also dangerous. An ominous feeling tightened in her stomach, curious but anxious about how it made it out of her dreams.

"Have I been cursed?" Was Haco potentially an evil spirit that harvested on her at the most difficult time in her life and just decided to stay? No, it couldn't be, Haco only provided warmth and sanctuary. A utopia in comparison to her life. Nonetheless, she realized as the ashes glimmered that something supernatural was going on.

That made her heart indefinitely thump loud enough that it traveled up to her throat. Her hands became cold and clammy quickly.

Supernaturals and everything that she'd consider magical were glamorous in thought and to the eye, but danger always lurked behind for humans who got too curious.

Chiasa didn't even chase supernaturals, but it seems as if one has decided to chase her. Haco has to be supernatural, and that was naturally a danger. She recalled all that Haco has said over the past years, all the people she should steer clear of. It made her wonder, has she become a supernatural magnet somehow? Was Haco warning of danger for her?

fallin flower, yoon jeonghanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang