138 11 24

waterfall -
minho, lim kim


Turmoil, a whirlpool of heat swirled in her stomach. Tossing and turning weren't enough to relieve the discomfort as the whirlwind continued to pick up. But her routine dreaming kept her calm enough not to wake.

"Haco?" Typically she saw it in the blank endless white space but it was dark, only her own body glowing to create enough light. "What is going on?" She asked herself, worried about not seeing Haco.

She felt like she walked forever, no tugging was forcing her to leave limbo, but the place she found solitude in was unsettling and lonely.

"Haco!" She continued to yell out until she heard animalistic shrieking, her freezing in fear.

Then the tugging pulled harshly and fast, enough to force her awake with labored breaths.

Like a million needles falling perfectly at once onto her, this evident heat was new, at least with its intensity, enough for her to roll out of bed with a thump. Crawling in pain for her medication.

Swallowing the pills impulsively she leaned against the wall, a fire burning inside of her, but what was the reason? She took her medicine, albeit a little late but still, she's never reacted like this before.

Maybe she was getting sick? But this didn't feel like a typical fever or flu.

She was drowsy, not wanting to be awake but it seemed that her dreams today were not welcoming her. So she got up and managed to stumble to the bathroom.

The sky was gloomy, she noticed on her way to the bathroom the unnecessary darkness of the living room, where Jeonghan slept peacefully on her couch. One of his arms dangling off.

The bright adjustment of switching on the light as her other hand clutched at her stomach made her squint, finally looking at herself.

Bags under her eyes were nothing new but the ones from the lack of her usual sleep added an extra hue, distracted by the lifelessness on top of her skin she didn't notice the horror that sparked in her eyes until they were dimming out.

Still, her heart pumped faster and her eyes blinked rapidly. The natural amber that highlighted her irises now seemed to shine. The intensity was like a cars bright light in the midnight dusk.

"What the hell." The shakiness was evident in her voice, but her tone was no louder than a whisper. She got closer to the mirror, using her fingers to widen her eyes, maybe something was in them.

But they didn't hurt, only the amber flickered in beauty as it faltered, and along oddly enough the pricking heat in her stomach dissolved as well.

"This must be my actual dream, yeah." She squinted at herself in the mirror. "Haco this game is not funny."

But she knew this was real and that's why it felt so unreal. This was not possible in the real world, Chiasa's eyes shouldn't light ablaze like Hell's fires or Heaven's beams, no this was too weird.

On the other hand, positively her stomach no longer burned so she was able to walk normally out of the bathroom, finding peace even as the rain pattered on the windows.

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